Off the Grid

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Two weeks had passed by since I've heard anything from Michael. I didn't know if he was safe or what and I was really worried about him. The way he left my house was sudden and abrupt and I just wanted to make sure he was okay at this point. He didn't need to explain anything, I just need to know if he was alright but getting ahold of him was much harder than I thought it would be.

"Hey Janet, Have you seen or talked to Michael at all?" I asked her. I decided to call the one person he was close to but that was practically a dead end.

"Nope! Sometimes he'll disappear off the grid and come back in a month or two." She explained, smacking her gum in my ear. It was getting nerve wrecking.

"If you don't stop smacking in my ear, I'm going to hang up on you!" I snapped.

"Um, you called me, sista." She responded.

"I'm just really worried about Michael." I sighed, feeling defeated.

"Listen, sometimes Michael needs to seclude himself from everyone in order to work through whatever he's dealing with. Just give him time." She replied, trying to ease my nevers. "He'll be back before you know it."

I let out a deep sigh and told her if she talks to him, to let him know I was worried. We hung up and I flopped back down on my bed still thinking about Michael. Hopefully Janet's right, she does know him better than anyone else. So I put some faith in her words and trusted that Michael would be back soon.


A few days later, my phone rang. It was an unknown number but something told me to answer it anyways.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Princess, I was given instructions to send for you by Mr. Jackson. There's a car waiting for you outside to bring you to his location. Please come if you can." A familiar voice explained. I wasn't positive on who was on the other end but I know for a fact I heard that voice somewhere.

"Is he okay?" I asked concerned.

"Yes he's fine, just wants to see you." The man answered before hanging up.

I grabbed my keys and headed out, locking the door behind me. There was a black SUV similar to the one Michael always rode in waiting for me at the end of the driveway. The driver got out, opened my door and with little to no hesitation, I climbed in and we headed off to what I hoped was Michaels location.

It didn't take long for us to arrive at a small hotel outside the city. It didn't look like something a person of Michaels status would typically stay at, but then again, this wasn't your typical situation. The driver handed me a small envolope and smiled before getting back in and driving off. I stood there for a second looking around and then opened the envelope. Inside, it contained a key card with a sticky note that read '213.' Walking into the hotel, I went through the lobby and got onto the elevator which I took to the second floor. Once I made it to room 213, I slid the card in and pushed open the door, walking in.

"Michael." I said, walking up behind him. He was standing in front of the window admiring the view. From up here you could see the hills holding the Hollywood sign and every light that lit the city. It was actually kind of beautiful.

"How was the drive?" He asked, still staring out the window.

"Good, I suppose." I slowly responded.

"Sorry to have called you this late at night-" He started.

"You didn't call me at all." I interrupted.

"-but," He began again, seeming already irritated by this discussion. "Janet said you were worried and-"

Again, I interrupted. "You think?! You just up and left and disappeared."

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