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"Alright, boys. Good run, let's all get here tomorrow after school, yeah?"

"Harry, you're one of my best mates but honest to God, I wanna kill you right now." Niall groaned as the boys walked off the field and Harry laughed, putting his arm around the blonde.

"Come on, I'm not that bad. By rehearsing for an hour after school, all of us will be free to just chill and half out for the rest of the evening."

"Of course, it's definitely not because you don't have a date with a certain blue-eyed boy in the evening." Mike mused as he fell in step with the captain and the all the boys – except for a frowning Liam – oohed and ahead at the now blushing captain's expense.

"I'm your captain, show me some respect and stop making fun of me."

"Oh, come on. Get that stick out of your ass."

"Yeah, how else is Louis going to "

"Okay, that'll be enough from you lot!" Harry shouted over another one of the teammates' voices as he tried to hide his embarrassment and the said lot walked to the lockers.

"Cut him some slack, y'all. Boy's in love." Niall coos, intentionally dragging out the last part and Harry groaned.

"For God's sakes."

"Hey, you all want to hang out at Melton's for a while?" Mike cuts in, dragging the conversation away from a very red Harry and onto the team's favourite diner in town.

"Sounds good to me."

"Heck yeah."

"You got it."

Harry heard the various replies from the team and all of them turned to him expectantly, and the boy got a smile on his face.

"I think I could really use of those burger and fries right now." Harry nodded in agreement and the boys stupidly whooped as all of them walked into the school lobby to head out to the parking lot. As Harry walked alongside the whole team but Liam, he couldn't help but think about the aforementioned blue-eyed boy and smile like an idiot at the thought of their first date.

Even though Harry had been the one to ask him out, Louis was adamant about being the one who planned the date, which was not exactly how it always went, but Harry didn't mind breaking all the damn rules in the world if it meant being able to see Louis smile. He just hoped that they'd be able to work things out between them. All Harry seemed to want to do these past few weeks was find more and more ways of making Louis smile.

"Stop daydreaming. Everyone's already gone!" Niall's shout and tug of Harry's hand snapped him out of his thoughts and he laughed before jogging to the parking lot along with Niall, catching up with the rest of the team just as they were getting into different cars.


"Alright, see you tomorrow, bro." Harry said, giving Niall a fist bump as both of them got into their respective cars. Just as he was about to drive away, though, he got a call from Mike.

"Hey, man. Is "

"You need to get to the showcase right the fuck now. Bring everyone who is still around."

"Why? What happened?"

"Just come here."

"Alright, alright, give me two minutes."

Harry said in a hurry and got out of the car. Seeing this, Niall followed and as Harry ran back into the school, he explained the phone call conversation they just had. The pair rounded up the few boys they spotted around the parking lot and they rushed to the library. Walking past it, Harry saw Mike walking back and forth in front of the huge trophy showcase and he frowned. But as he stood in front of the showcase, he knew the cause of Mike's fury.

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