arcane(adj.) secret, mysterious, understood only by few
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Gunshots echoed in the air, screams and chaos filled the restaurant.
Leaning back, I rested on my forearm and pointed my stare on the cigarette I rolled between my fingers. The anger was big enough, I had to swallow it down.
My eyes skimmed up to find Luciano, my only valid cousin, wiping a hand across his mouth in a poor try to hide his disgust.
My gaze darkened, conveying I might shoot 2 members of the famiglia today.
There are some members you don't like-ones you might shoot on your terms if given the chance. But being forced into it , that scraped me the wrong way.
When they first entered, I didn't fully trust them, but I didn't make a deal of it. They had been working for us for about a decade now. Alberto, papà forced me to keep them because they appeared when we needed men the most.
At that time, one of my papà's enemy attacked us, I was 18, they killed half of our men, kidnapped a lot of children and women. But we made them pay for their actions. We destroyed their whole empire.
The truth was, not every man could handle being a Donatiello. My nonna used to say our blood ran hotter than most. Though maybe that had just been an excuse to justify why all of her male offspring were entitled, greedy, and possessive of things that weren't theirs. A Donatiello wanted what he wanted, and once he did it was practically his. Most likely through a variety of illegal ventures. But maybe she was onto something because it fucking felt hotter than it should.
Salvatore stood up from the table commanding Stefano to stop his phone call. They were completely oblivious to what is going their way.
I had known about their betrayal a week ago when I caught Stefano filming me while I shot two men. But I still don't know who employed them.
I tapped my cigarette on the table, there is a plan to be fulfilled.
Brio and Savio stood outside the restaurant, Fabrizio was seated to their left while Zeus was on their right. I was hiding in the private booth not wanting to demolish the fun.
We agreed that Nicolo, my underboss will go with his men to watch over the weapon shipment that will be exchanged near our borders with the Cubans today. I'll follow him when I am done with those traitors.
I ordered them silently. I stepped out of the booth, walking straight in their direction. Stefano turned his head his gaze stelled on my face. He murmured some shit to Salvatore when he instantly hid his phone, wearing his calm mask.
Stefano lifted himself to greet me, I narrowed my eyes at him. "Don" he let out a nervous laugh" what a coincidence, first time meeting you here." Salvatore was looking around pretending to act cool.
I didn't bother replying, I am done with his shit.
Fabrizio focused the gun on Stefano's head from the back while Zeus did the same for Stefano.
"What is happening, Fabrizio drop the gun, why are we doing this now?"Salvatore swallowed exchanging a knowing look with his partner.
He choked on his saliva, fright made its appearance on their faces knowing what is waiting for them.
My men dragged these 2 motherfuckers to the 3 SUVs waiting outside preparing them for 20 minutes drive.
The cars pulled out in front of the abandoned border. The building was decrepit, and the area was deserted. A good place to torture and kill, this was one of many I own to do my dirty shit in.
Fabrizio shoved Stefano to the ground while Salvatore was fighting against Zeus' massive figure. However, I shot him in his leg avoiding the urge to slit his throat and toss his body to the wolves. He cried in pain, clutching his leg, clasping it tightly. "Cut it, Salvatore," I said dryly casting a lazy gaze towards Stefano. They had no idea what was waiting for them. We entered the first room to the left on the third floor. This room is still neat, I hadn't used it before. We had two guns placed on the table in the centre of the spot each had 1 bullet inside. "Now, listen" I grumbled, gaining their interest. "I order, you execute"I stated glaring at Salvatore with a hard expression.
I leaned against the table, my arms crossed. Silently instructing Luciano. He grabbed both pistols instantly. He positioned one in Stefano's hand and set the other in Salvatore's. They gave me a questioning look. "You will shoot each other" I deadpanned. They were best friends but they were traitors so I couldn't care less. "W-what" Stefano whispered, they had known better not to make me repeat my words. "Don't make me wait" I demanded impatiently. "Don, please don't do this, we were forced into it-" he pleaded. "Bullshit" I cut him off."Tell me who do you work for?" Salvatore remained quiet as Stefano's breath hitched. He opened his mouth but the words died in his throat. "Words, use them" I shot his shoulder, he yelped in pain, groaning.
"Sandros Ortez" he admitted then dropped his gun. Ortez was an enemy the Donatiello's had since day one but he wasn't concerning enough. "Did I warn you that you are free?" He shook his head in disapproval. "Finish it, now." Salvatore nodded his head at Stefano and raised the gun at each other. With eyes shut they pressed their pistols, two gunshots chimed in the atmosphere. Their bodies fell to the floor within seconds.
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