Abscond:(v.)run away; uassually includes taking something or somebody along.
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We arrive in different cars, Emilio and Zeus separated. It is currently noon and my body is drained of energy.
I glance over Zeus, who is shorter than Emilio's six-five figure by 2 inches. He is standing next to Jasper, a bored yet blank expression on his face with his handcuffed hands. His muscles underneath his shirt are tensed, then his hazel eyes caught my blue ones.
I looked away to find Emilio's icy eyes on me already. He was handsome but his recklessness was dangerous to anyone involved, especially himself. Scars are visible on his arms and neck despite the tattoos covering them. How many fights did he have? I ask myself. Infinite, I guess.
He stood there in a black suit and a smooth black tie, clicking his tongue. He was larger than life in this hallway. Or maybe this hall was just small? No, it looked like a normal-sized hallway. Ugh, get a grip, Valentina.
There was something about his eyes, something that immediately captivated you as soon his gaze met yours. That mishvis application that played across his eyes intimidated others.
Silence filled the air no one is uttering a word while we were waiting for the papers that Jasper disappeared to bring.
Emilio slipped his hands into his pockets as his gaze fell down my body. It washes hardly and more observant like I was another species and he was wondering if I was edible. I felt naked under his stare although I was wearing a light blue suit. His gaze felt like fire heating every inch of me.
His eyes are ravelling, exploring every part of me, until they rested a few more than necessary moments on my breasts, then to my red small lips. Finally, he met my eyes again, but his eyes are darker.
Deus, this fucker.
Jasper came panting from his running with the papers and handed them to the chief. Emilio mouthed "Don't forget what we planned" in Italian, Zeus nodded. I narrowed my eyes on them I repeated the sentence in the back of my mind. Did they plan their statements?
"This way" I guided them, Emilio walking SO close to me, Jasper and Zeus following. We took a left to the big hall then straight forward to the investigating room.
I will question Emilio while Jasper will do the same for Zeus.
"I know you can't stand him but you have to do this Val"Jasper encouraged me and left.I sighed.
I pushed the door that instantly closed behind me, I didn't open it for Emilio he can do it himself. He opened it with a grumble, taking a seat on the opposite chair next to the table. He narrowed his eyes on the security camera on the wall, a thumb came up to run across his jaw.I imagined he did that while thinking of how he was going to kill a man.
"You the know the reason you are here, right?"I searched his eyes for a hint/clue.
"No" His voice filled with an Italian accent. He leans against the chair spreading his long legs. He blinks, a new rare expression spreading across his face. I want to slap it off. It looks like he knows it and won't admit it. It's smug and male and I hate it.
"We playing stupid, are we?"I demanded, adjusting my suit.
He still hadn't answered, I hate this already."As you know two victims were found at the port. One corpse is missing and the other is unrecognizable" I intertwined my fingers together.Nausia filled me at the mention of my dead boyfriend and best friend.
He makes a "hmmm" sound urging me to continue.
"You will tell me the reason you were there at that time"I exclaim, shuffling through the papers in front of me.
"We both know that I will get out of here, this shit is unessecarry, amore"He shrugs nonchalantly, playing with the ring on his finger. This is a sign he is nervous.
"That won't happen unless I decide that"I try my hardest to wear a calm mask but it is failing miserably.
"What.is.the.reason?"I clench my jaw opening few bottoms of my suit, showing a bit of cleavage. It is too hot in here to handle, his eyes instantly drop to my small breasts.
He licked his lips"One of my cousins was injured"He grumbles deaftedly.1 point for me 0 for Emilio.
"Who and How"I take a sip of my drink.
"Fabiano and he was shot."His disinterest eyes don't meet mine, he is lying. Does he me to believe that bullshit? But I will go with it.
"Why?"I look directly at his face analyzing him.
He doesn't respond.
I grab my phone from my pocket and dial a phone number, she imimmediately picks up "Julie, check if Fabiano Donatiello was shot today"I end the call.
"Emilio" I catch his attention"Do you trust me?"
"No" He answers in a duh tone, pushing a hand through his dark hair.
"Smart man" I say and stand up, locking my hands behind my back.
"Is that supposed to be a compliment?"He tilts an eyebrow smirking at me.
"Don't flatter yourself, Donatiello"We wasted so much time, I need information.
Someone lightly knocked on the steel door."Come in"I commanded,Julie entered nervously smiling at me.Her brunette hair was tied up in a bun. She chewed on her bottom lip, her brown eyes shifting between me and that cunt.She was wearing her normal police uniform.
"Yes Julie, what have you gotten?"Her breath hitched at my mention of her name.She could have called me without coming here.
"His claims of Fabiano Donatiello getting shot today are false,Valentina."She says softly.I knew it.
"Thank you, you can go"I dismiss her.
"Care to explain?"I turn to Emilio.He open his closed eyes.
"Valentina, Mr. Los Santos called for you."Somebody yelled from the outside.I sighed and got up.
"Don't you dare to move"I pointed a fingure at him and locked the door behind me.My trust for him is 0%.I will inform someone to watch over him.
"Did you finish your work Valentina?"He looks pale.I think he is missing mamae,she had gone over to Brazil to visit a family memeber. He opens a drawer in his big grey office,the windows giving ascess to the rays of sunshine in the room.I am in a rush right now.
"For fucks sake, did you bring me here to ask me this?"I whisper yell at him.Is he for real? "What do you mean?"He forrows his grey eyebrows at me, playing dumb.
I strom out of the office, slamming the door. I run with the black heels I was wearing.They definitly planned this.But why papai would help him?
I reach the invastigation room.The door is opened,nobody is in the room, oh god.I place my head in my hands, I missed such a big ass opportinity.
He escaped.
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