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We reach the crime scene where it is highly secured with security tape.
Officers and reporters filled the place, making it look crowded.
As I push myself through the curious people surrounding me, I hear cries and shouts, probably from the citizens who lost someone here.
My heart aches for them.
Eyeing the place, I recognise some broken windows and a door, bullets on the walls.
My conclusion is that there was a big gunfight. Obviously.
After I wear my mask, I put on my gloves. I enter from the main door, to be enveloped by the corpses' smells, Jasper follows me.
A trace of blood is seen on the floor indicating that the body in front of me had been moved, forcing investigators to recreate the original position to determine the trajectory.
Based on the position of the second body, the round would have been fired from the middle, above from a far level, as if someone had fired distantly.
Stippling and powder burns surrounded the wound, indicating close contact.
Searching for evidence for the accused is currently useless, except for that three obvious signs of physical torture in his face.
I will search the windows for fingertips is an object that the murder could have fingered. I sprinkle a coloured powder on the surface. Then I bring a soft brush to clear away the excess powder I reveal the perp's print with a circular motion. Then I take a copy of the files by pressing on the print with a strip of clear tape and attach it to the veneer.
Then I repeat the same action on the door.
There are prints, but in my opinion, they are useless.
Another forensic in a full-body suit acknowledged my presence with a nod, as he took photos of the body outside the back area of the port.
"We found three eyewitnesses. They are in the backyard." He informs me.
"Okay, thank you for informing me." I smile at him before I dismiss him.
I walk there to find the three men I excepted to see.
Jasper is questioning one, which means I should do the same for the other two.
Every one of them is sitting in different rooms.
I join one, closing the door after me.
I take a seat as I study the man sitting on the other side of the table.
Brown eyes and hair, looking in his mid-forties
"You are questioning since you were seen near the crime scene and considered as an eyewitness. Do you understand?" I ask him, arching my eyebrow.
He nods as I shuffle through the papers laying on the desk.
"What is the reason you were here?" I begin my questions.
"Someone called and said that I should be here because...." The words die in his mouth, making me realize he may help in something.
"Because?" My point with a serious tone was serious enough to earn a nervous gulp from him.
"They said I should be here because as you know my work is to clean here." He replies nervously.
"Do not lie," I advise him.
"They wanted me to shut the security cameras." He sighs, saying the truth.
"Hmm. Who are they?" I do not think he is going to answer this question?
"I don't know."
"Do you still have their phone number?" Hope is slightly drifting away from me.
"The caller had a blocked number."
"Can you describe the leader or the boss who came, if you saw them?" I implore in need to seek for more information.
"There was not a leader."
"You know if you don't tell me all the truth you will go to jail, right?" I point a finger at him angry.
"B-but I don't want to leave my family. Please I don't want to go to prison." His begging is pitiful as he shakes his head quickly, trying to erase that picture from his mind.
"In that case tell me the whole truth with every detail," I demand.
"All I know they had a don named Sandros Ortez." Instantly, he admits.
I heard this name before but where?
"Any information about him?"
"No really, can I go now?" He asks nervously as he stands up ready to leave.
"You may go."
After finishing questioning the second Who is this man, I realize that both said it was Sandros Ortez.
Who is he and what is his purpose?
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