Chapter 13

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Kaminari's Pov
I follow Shaigaraki outside into an arena looking area. There only seems to be a handful of people scattered across the grounds. "Dabi!" Shigaraki continues walking, heading towards a guy that appears to have scars on his face, slightly similar to Todoroki's now that I think about it. I feel a dull ache in my chest as I remember my friends. 'no point getting all upset, you're never going to see them again.' I hear myself growl quietly, the irritation getting to me. Why can't you just shut up? 'where's the fun in that?' I can hear the smirk in his voice. A sharp pain shoots through my head and I wince. Ouch! What the fuck was that? Realisation dawns on me as the voice in my head proceeds to laugh at me. It was you, what did you do that for!? 'fun~' I take a deep breath in an attempt to calm myself before I end up killing someone. The guy Shigaraki called over, Dabi, reaches up and sighs. "You called?" he sounds irritated, like he doesn't actually want to be here. Maybe he's like me? Kidnapped? Shigaraki points back at me. "Attack him." My heart immediately drops in fear. Dabi smiles and looks over, locking his gaze on me. Shit. Dabi proceeds to march towards me, blue flames igniting in the palm of his hand. I instinctively turn and run but I don't make it more that 3 steps before a huge wall of flames rises in front of me. I look to either side of the wall of flames, realising there's no point in running, the flames are everywhere. I turn back and Dabi is right in front of me. He laughs and I fall back, squirming to get away. My whole body starts to feel tingly, I close my eyes. There's a pause before I hear quiet gasps and small crackling noises. I open one eye slightly to see what's going on. Dabi is lying on the floor, unconscious, his hair noticeably more... Static-y? He looks as though he's just been electrocuted. Was that me? Did I cause that? My anxiety perks up again. I just unintentionally attacked one of the members of the league of villains! Shigaraki approaches Dabi's body, examining the damage. "... My, my... You're quite something." The tingling feeling in my fingers comes back and slowly starts spreading around my whole body. I look up at Shaigaraki and the electricity flowing around my body jumps out at him and zaps his hand. He pulls his hand back and glares at me. "You might be powerful but don't even think about trying anything funny with me, child," I nod timidly, not sure how to control my quirk to prevent accidents anymore. Kurogiri comes over to Shigaraki. "Sir, you must consider the fact that this is new to him so he may be unable to control his quirk for a little while." Shigaraki turns his glare on Kurogiri but says nothing. I watch as he brings his hands up to scratch his neck. I stare at my hands, unable to understand how I got this new power. I sit for a while before I feel a hand grab my shoulder and pull me up off of the floor. It's Shigaraki. My body begins to tremble and the tingling feeling gets stronger. Shigaraki holds onto my shoulder with a tight grip, dragging me roughly back towards the building. I can feel the electricity flowing through me. There's a sharp pain in my fingers, a split second later all of the electricity flows from my body into Shigaraki's and he starts shaking violently. I watch in shock as his body collapses to the ground after a few seconds. I look at the few people around me, waiting for them to start yelling at me. ".... I-I'm sorry!" I say, quickly, hoping they go easier on me because I apologized. They all look surprised, and slightly afraid. None of them moving, as though they're afraid to come near me in case the same thing that happened to Shigaraki, happens to them. Before they have the chance to change their minds and restrain me, I sprint back towards the building we came from. I run the whole way through the building, trying every door and window possible in an attempt to escape. I eventually find an open window, it's small but I think I'll be able to fit. It's quite high on the wall, I grab a chair and push it against the wall. As I climb onto the chair, I hear footsteps following close behind me. I'll have to be quick if I even want a slight chance to escape. balancing on the unsteady chair, I push the window as hard as I can, hoping it would open a little more to make it easier for me to fit through. It moves slightly and I hear a bang as the people chasing me come crashing through the door. I jump, hoisting myself up and pulling myself out of the window. my top half is out, just my legs now but I feel someone grab onto my ankles, trying to pull me back into the building. I kick hoping they cant keep their grip while I continue to thrash my legs around. They let go after a few moments and I take the chance to pull myself out. I fall further than I expected to, hitting the ground hard, I seem to be in the alleyway I was in when Kurogiri took me. I scramble to my feet quickly, out of fear, and bolt out of the alleyway and straight into a huge crowd of people. I slow down as my head begins to spin and my breathing quickens. Black dots start to cloud my vision and I start to panic. I need to put as much distance between myself and this place as possible before I pass out. I fight the black dots and run. I run as fast as my legs can carry me, I don't know where I'm going but I don't care so long as its not here. I run for a few minutes with the little energy I have before I hear the sound of waves. the black dots have almost completely taken over my vision and I collapse on the ground, softer this time, as my consciousness slowly drifts away.

Iida's Pov
I wake up in Recovery Girl's office, in one of the beds. how did I get here? how long have I been here? I take a moment to wake up before sitting up. just the simple task of sitting up feels exhausting, everything aches and I don't want to move. I'm so mentally drained from stressing over Kaminari's disappearance. I lay back down for a few moments, savouring the few extra minutes I have to just lay. Time to think. Kaminari... Where did you go?... I hear movement from the other side of the curtain beside the bed and Recovery Girl's head appears around the side of it. "Ah, you're awake, how are you feeling?" I pause for a moment before answering. "I... I feel so tired..." she smiles gently at me. "Yes, I did suspect you'd be exhausted after worrying so much, running around looking for your friend, Kaminari." I sigh and give a weak smile back, trying not to show just how upset I am that we haven't found him yet. I remember our short interaction in his dorm, back when I was sick and he insisted on taking care of me. I smile at the memory, missing his presence but not wanting to ruin the memory with my heartache. Despite my trying, I feel a jolt of pain shoot through my chest. "Don't cry, dear. he'll be alright, I'm sure." I look at her, confusion evident on my face. I bring my hand up to my face, touching my cheek. Small droplets land on my fingers, my tears. I'm crying... Just this once, I don't mind and I just let my tears fall, slowly dripping onto the bed sheets. I think about Kaminari again and my tears fall faster. Out of the corner of my eye I watch Recovery Girl pull the curtain around a little further and go back to what she's doing, giving me a little time to myself. As soon as she's out of sight, I silently break down, crying more than I ever have before. Why does he make me feel this way? This indescribable pain I feel when he's not around, its enough to break me. I guess it's not so impossible for someone like me to fall in love after all, and I'm not afraid to just admit that I've fallen for him hard and I am truly, deeply in love with Kaminari. My tears flow steadily down my cheeks and I can feel a headache coming on from crying so much. I decide to dry my face and calm myself now, as to not worsen my headache. I lay back on the bed and close my eyes for a few minutes, giving my heart a moment to stop aching and my eyes to, hopefully, look at least a little less puffy and red as I know they probably do. After I feel like enough time has passed, i get up from the bed and return the curtain to its original position. I smile at Recovery Girl on my way out, letting her know I'm leaving, and I head for the dorms. I pull out my phone to check the time on my way. It reads 18:02. I sigh. I wonder how long I was actually in there. I would have asked but my mind was busy with other things so I guess I forgot. As I'm walking, I let my mind wander, controlling it only to keep away thoughts of Kaminari and prevent another break down. I walk for about 10 minutes before getting to the dorms. I'm walking considerably slower than normal but right now I don't care. I walk into the dorms and start up the stairs until I get to my room. I walk inside and close the door behind me. despite sleeping in Recovery Girl's office for god knows how long, I feel exhausted just from the short walk back to the dorms. With a deep sigh I collapse onto my bed but I don't want to sleep. I just lay face down on my bed, I feel tears brimming in my eyes but I don't care. I cry but not like I was in Recovery Girl's office a little while ago. Instead, I'm just letting the tears fall slowly, my pillow soaking them up as they fall. 

1793 words

Hey guys, I'm so sorry this chapter took so long, I'm just going to be honest and say my mental health isn't really improving and I've been finding it difficult to continue to continue the chapter because of where I stopped to take a break, I wasn't sure how to carry the story on. This can also be my apology for if this chapter seems a little rushed or just not as good as the other ones. I hope you guys can forgive me, I don't think my chapters are going to get published regularly but I'll try not to leave as long between publishing this time, promise. Anyways, that's all I have to say this time, thank you to everyone who stuck with my story even though I'm taking forever to update, it means more than you guys think. Thank you. Still talking, sorry😅😶, I'll let you guys carry on with your lives now, Hope you all have a wonderful day/night and I'll see all you guys in the next chapter, byee. 🖤

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