Chapter 6

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Iida's Pov
I stand behind kaminari's chair, leaning on his desk as I help him complete multiple weeks of late homework. 'how could he miss so much?' He stretches his arms over the desk and bangs his head on the table. "I give up.... I don't understand anything here....." I pat him on the back. "How about we take a break?" he nods his head and gets up, stretching. I move to sit on the floor by his bed. My mind wanders as I think of the best way to help him. He flops face down on his bed. A thought pops into my head and I turn to look at Kaminari. "... Hey Kaminari?" he lifts his head and looks at me. "hmm?"
"how come it took you so long to answer the door earlier?" i have an idea why but I want to know what he says. His eyes widen and he looks surprised. "w-well I.... Umm.... I was just..... U-Uhh..." he fumbles with his words, occasionally stuttering. I sit and wait for his response but it never comes as he starts to look like he's panicking. He suddenly gets up. "U-Umm, excuse me for a moment..." he starts walking towards his bathroom.

Kaminari's Pov
I know what's happening to me, but it's never happened like this before. I get up from the bed. "U-Umm, excuse me for a moment..." I start walking quickly to the bathroom. As soon as I enter I feel my legs give way, making me fall to the floor, my breathing quick and shallow. My vision starts blackening and my face feels wet. 'am I crying?' I go dizzy and I feel like I can't move. 'what's going on?' I wrap my arms around myself, panicking. 'I'm so stupid' I dig my nails into my skin. 'worthless' deeper 'ungrateful' "Kaminari..." 'I don't deserve anything' "Kaminari!" 'I hate myself!' "Kaminari!!" I feel someone grab me and pull me up from the floor and turn me around. The blackness in my vision subsides but my eyes are blurred by the tears pouring out, uncontrollably. I can't see the details but I know it's Iida holding me from his voice. "Kaminari, what's wrong?" I open my mouth to say something but sobs overpower my voice. My whole body shakes and I can't stay on my feet anymore. My knees buckle beneath me but I don't hit the floor. I feel myself being lifted up and I soon come into contact with what feels like a bed. I now sit on, presumably, a bed, gasping for air. 'I think I'm going to pass out....' my vision starts blackening again, only this time I start falling unconscious.
'where.... am I?' I can't see anything. Everything is black and silent. 'Is this what death would feel like?' I wait for what feels like hours until I hear a noise beside me. After some time I start to wake up, but my eyes refuse to open. My body feels heavy, like I can't move. The noise sounds again. It sounds like shuffling. With enough effort, I manage to open my eyes slightly. I look around, squinting as my eyes adjust to the light. 'wait.... This isn't my room....?' I hear a small bang on the floor and near jump out of the bed. I look towards the noise and see Iida. He hasn't noticed that I'm awake yet. I feel my heart beating so hard and fast in my chest that it almost hurts. I put my hand over where my heart would be in an attempt to calm myself down. Iida looks over to me, presumably to see if he woke me up with the bang. I'm visibly shaken and I can't help but flinch under his gaze. He smiles apologetically and makes his way towards me. I avert my gaze and feel tears welling up in my eyes. 'how do I end up here everytime something goes wrong? When did I get so weak? Why can't i hide this from him anymore?' I feel a stray tear fall onto the bed sheets. He covers my hand with his. "hey.... What's wrong?" Iida seems a little more upset than usual. I let out a fake laugh as my heart jumps from his touch and wipe the tear away. This proves worthless as I feel more and more tears fall, until they make what would be a puddle on Iida's bed. 'god I'm so fucking pathetic. I've cried more in the past few days just from Iida's presence than I have in my whole life' I cover my eyes in an attempt to stop the tears flowing freely from my eyes but to no avail. 'what's wrong with me?...' I hear a noise. It sounds like... Quiet screaming and sobs? I soon realise that it's me. "hey, hey, hey... Its alright... What's the matter?" Iida sounds worried. I stay silent, unable to answer. I cover my mouth and nose to prevent any more noise coming out. My chest convulses as silent sobs fight against my hand, my lungs burning as I realise I need to breathe. I refuse and hold my hand in place, ignoring the pain in my chest. I throw the bed sheets off of me and near fall out of the bed. I scramble towards the door and throw it open. "Kaminari!!!" I hear Iida's voice calling for me as I sprint down the stairs of the dorms and past the staring eyes of our classmates. I hear Iida running behind me, though he is a little further back. I run out of the dorms and into the trees behind the school. I'm running purely on adrenaline at this point. I continue to run until I'm sure that I've lost Iida. I can no longer hear the heavy footsteps of Iida but I continue to run. I know where I want to go. I eventually make it to a railing at the edge of a cliff, looking out onto the sea. The cliff isn't very high so if someone tried to jump they would probably live. Unless they couldn't swim. I breathe in deeply and let out a shaky sigh. I stand breathing in the sea air for a few minutes. The rush of adrenaline soon fades and I fall to my knees, still clutching the railing. Everything is silent and soon all I can hear is the rustling of the leaves on the trees and the crashing of the waves below me. I poke my head through the gap in the railing and look down at the waves. I feel a single tear roll down my face. It falls down my nose and drop into the ocean. Such a small tear in such a huge ocean. I stare at the bright sun setting on the horizon. As beautiful as it is, I can't help but feel that this would be a good time to jump. Watching the sunset as I fall would be a good way to end this. Falling as the sun falls with me, only to disappear for the night and return in the morning. Only I would not return. A small smile makes its way onto my face as I consider my options. Jump and be happy and free with this beautiful view in front of me. Or go back and continue to live my life in the facade I have created for myself, the only bright thing in life being Iida's presence. Does it even really matter if I see him though? I can't even be in the same room as him without breaking down. I sigh. 'Does he even care?' I think about Iida and how he always tries to help me. A tear rolls down my cheek. It's soon followed by another. And another. Soon tears are streaming down my face again. My chest feels tight as I sob wanting to let everything out. I sob quietly for a few moments more until I can't take it anymore. I squint, trying to see through the tears. I look at the blurry sun, setting on the horizon. It's almost gone. My chest feels impossibly tighter. I squeeze my eyes shut and hang my head down. After a moment I snap my head up and scream. The noise is carried out by the ocean, never to be seen again. I continue screaming as if the ocean will take all of my pain with my screams. My tears are falling rapidly into the ocean as my screams mix with sobs. 'I can't take this anymore. I just want to die!!' I soon stop screaming and my throat feels like it's been cut to pieces. My sobs soon subside and I don't feels anything. I just feel numb. I stare at the sliver of sun left peaking over the ocean, watching its slow descent. It disappears completely and I let myself sink to the floor. My head falls forward and hits the railing and I close my eyes. I soon feel myself drifting in and out of consciousness. 'I guess everything finally took its toll on me...'

1526 words

Hey guys, sorry about this chapter, I know this one isn't all that great but I seriously didn't know what to write. This chapter was more a filler because I have an idea of how the story is going to go (no spoilers tho sorry) but I don't know how to make the story lead up to what I'm planning. Anyways, thanks for reading and I'll see all you guys in the next chapter, hope you have a wonderful day/night, byee🖤

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