Chapter 3

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I go to continue following Kaminari, finding myself alone in the hallway. 'oh dear' I speed through the corridors hoping to find him. I search the whole floor but don't find him. I start to panic heading for the last place he could've got to in his state. The roof. I open the doors to the roof and find him stepping off of the ledge. "KAMINARI!! NO!!" I run forwards in an attempt to grab his hand and...
Now onto the story
Kaminari's Pov
I step off of the ledge and feel myself start to fall. 'I guess this is it. Goodbye.' I close my eyes and smile, ready to die. I hear someone shout but I can't tell who it is or what they're saying. I fall for about a second before I feel a hand around my wrist. 'why did they save me? I didn't want to be saved! I WANT TO DIE!' I feel tears start rolling down my cheeks. I look down not wanting to look at whoever is holding me. I hear a voice but I can't hear who it is and they sound muffled. I can't hear anything. My hearing comes back after a few moments and I hear who's shouting. "KAMINARI! PLEASE LISTEN!! LOOK AT ME!" it's Iida. I feel something land on my limp hand. I lift my hand up to see what it is. It's water. I look up at Iida to see tears flowing out of his eyes. He's shouting my name. The hand that's holding my wrist starts to shake. "KAMINARI, PLEASE, YOU HAVE TO LISTEN!! YOU NEED TO PULL YOURSELF UP!!" I smile slightly, looking into Iida's tear filled eyes. "just let me go, Iida." his eyes widen and more tears fall. "NO WAY! ARE YOU CRAZY!?!? I'M NOT GOING TO LET YOU FALL!!" I close my eyes again and shake my head. I start moving my hand to get Iida to let go. I look up at him again and he looks like he's panicking. My hand is slipping out of his grasp. He starts trying to pull me up. His face looks strained and despite the situation my mind wanders. 'I think this is the first time I've seen him when he's not acting all proper, like an adult. He never usually cries. I wonder i--!' I'm broken out of my thoughts by a yell. "AIZAWA!! SOMEONE!!! PLEASE HELP!!" I shake my head again and he looks down at me. "This is what needs to happen Iida. Just let me go, okay?" he shakes his head furiously and continues trying to pull me up. "SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!" I smile and twist my hand again. I slip a little further so he's only holding onto my fingers. 'one more twist and I'll fall' I stare up at Iida for a second waiting for our eyes to meet. His ocean blue eyes eventually fall on mine. "...I'm sorry but I have to go now. Goodbye, Iida..." I send a small shock of electricity through my hand into Iida and he let's go of my hand completely. "NO!! KAMINARI!" I see him try to catch me again but to no avail as I am already falling free. I close my eyes enjoying the feeling of falling. I smile and wait for the feeling of death. Suddenly, I collide with something but it doesn't feel like the ground and... I'm still alive!? 'NO!! I WAS SUPPOSED TO DIE!!' I open my eyes to see... "Mr Aizawa? No... Why did you catch me!? I WANTED TO DIE!! IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK!?!?" Tears pour from my eyes yet again as I struggle to get out of Aizawa's arms. He holds me tight and starts walking somewhere. I look up to the roof and see no sign of Iida. 'guess he didn't care after all... That was all just for show...' I eventually give up fighting Aizawa, there's no point fighting, he's clearly stronger. I stare down at my hands in my lap and I feel numb. "Why?" I hear Aizawa say. "What's wrong, Kaminari? Why did you jump?" I don't respond and he sighs. "Fine. You don't have to tell me now but you will tell me eventually. You need help." Again, I don't respond. After a short period of time Aizawa let's me down and I find myself outside of the dorms. "Why did you bring me here?" I whisper, feeling more exhausted than ever. "Because you need rest. Think about what you just tried to do and then think about if you actually wanted that." I nod my head 'I did...' I realise that Aizawa isn't going to  leave until I go into the dorms. I sigh before taking a step into the dorms. I manage to get through the door before I collapse on the floor. I hear footsteps behind me. I try to look over but catch sight of my arm. My sleeve is soaked in blood. 'must have happened when Iida was holding my arm.' I see Aizawa followed my a tuft of blue hair before falling unconscious. 'Iida...?'

855 words

Hey guys, I know this chapter is a lot shorter than the last two chapters but I thought this would be a good place to stop and I'll make the next chapter longer, I promise, please don't hate me😅. Please let me know if you guys have any Ideas for future chapters and what you think of the story so far. Thanks for sticking with me despite the huge gaps between chapters, I really appreciate it. Anyways, have a wonderful day/night and I'll see all you guys in the next chapter. 🖤

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