Chapter 5

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Iida's Pov
My eyes feel like they're glued shut. I'm still so tired. I sigh and open them slightly anyway. I groan, getting up off of the floor. 'well that was unpleasant...' I look towards the bed, expecting to see Kaminari only to feel my heart drop from seeing my bed empty. 'did he leave while I was asleep? Where did he go?' I look around my room, hoping to find him but to no avail. He's nowhere in sight. Panic starts to set in as my mind imagines the worst possible situation. I shake my head. 'no... He wouldn't do that... He came to me for help... right?' I dismiss my thoughts and continue on my way to search for him. I walk out of my room and decide that searching Kaminari's room first would be the most logical option. Iida attempts to open the door but find that it is locked. I knock on the door softy hoping he had just returned to his room to relax or something. There's no answer. I panic a little but try to calm myself. 'He's probably just asleep.... I hope...' I knock slightly louder. Normally I would leave him to sleep peacefully but today is different. Anything could've happened to him. There's still no answer. Now I'm starting to get worried, what if he's hurt? I try to open the door again despite it being locked. I can't open it. I think for a moment and decide to try and pick the lock. I have next to no experience with picking locks but it's worth a shot. I know it's wrong and an invasion of privacy but I need to know he's safe. I collect the things I need and get to work attempting to pick the lock. Unfortunately for me, I am unable to get it open. I knock on the door, louder than before hoping to get an answer. There's still no answer. I start walking to find a teacher or something to check on him when I hear a shuffling from the other side of Kaminari's door. I turn and face the door.

Kaminari's Pov
I feel a dull pain in my arms as I start to wake up. I groan and open my eyes to examine my wounds. I can't see much other than blood. My arms are covered in blood the floor has puddles of blood where my arms were. I sigh and just sit staring at the plain white floor. I suddenly flinch as a soft knock sounds from my door. I feel my heart start racing 'I can't let anyone see this!!' I quickly get to my feet but almost collapse as I go dizzy, presumably from the blood loss. I steady myself and start gathering cleaning equipment. I quickly scrub the floor clean of blood. 'shit...' I cleaned the floor as much as I could in this short amount of time but the floor is stained. Probably from the prolonged exposure to my blood. I hide the cleaning supplies and rush to find a bandage to cover up my arm. I pause for a moment. 'did whoever is at my door leave?' As if reading my mind another knock sounds, louder and seemingly more urgent this time. After a few minutes of searching I find my bandages. I clumsily start wrapping them around one arm. I jump as I hear someone trying to get in and drop the bandages. They roll under my bed and I struggle to get them back. After about five minutes I manage to grab them and continue wrapping them around my arm. I hear a louder knock and it sounds like someone is trying to break the door down. I cut the bandages and tape it down before quickly wrapping my other arm. I finish wrapping my arm and put my bandages away before nervously unlocking my door. I crack the door open and peer outside. I'm met with a pair of deep blue eyes. 'Iida?' I open the door a little more. "H-Hi Iida...." i can't help but stutter as I still have adrenaline coursing through my veins from the panic of getting caught in my state. I give Iida the brightest smile I can muster but by the expression on his face, I can tell it looks fake. I continue smiling anyway, not wanting to show him how weak I am right now. Iida walks closer to my door and looks down at me. He looks slightly relieved but concern is still laced in his features. "Are you alright, Kaminari? Were you not comfortable in my room? I apologise if I made you uncomfortable but I just wanted to watch your condition to ensure it didn't deteriorate." I give a small genuine smile. 'that sounds more like the Iida I know...' I shake my head at Iida. "It's alright Iida, I wasn't uncomfortable, I just didn't want invade your personal space." I look at the ground. "nonsense!" I look up, surprise evident on my face. "you simply needed some company, therefore you had a completely logical explanation as to why you were in my room so I didn't mind at all." I suddenly remember the image of Iida's sleeping form on the floor and guilt floods my mind. "B-But I made you sleep in the floor..." I trail off, feeling tears pooling in my eyes. Iida shakes his head. "you did nothing of the sort. I simply chose to retreat to the floor." he smiles warmly at me and I feel a blush creeping onto my face. I look away hoping to hide my blush. "B-But--" I'm cut off by Iida. "no buts! Also you are welcome to stay in my room as long as you like for the company. Would you care to join me in my room?" he asks with a bright smile. My heart leaps into my throat with both excitement and panic. "I-I... Umm... I can't right now?" I say in rushed voice. It seems Iida noticed my change in demeanor as he gives me a suspicious look. "Oh are you busy with homework?" 'at least I don't have to think up an excuse anymore...' I nod aggressively and look down slightly disappointed. Being honest I was actually a little disappointed that I couldn't join him but it was mostly fake. "Yes! I have homework, a lot of homework so it's going to take me a while." I hope that was a good enough excuse. "Oh.... well I can help you." He looks at me eagerly and I can't think of a reason to refuse. "Oh.... Great..." I sound a little defeated. I reluctantly open the door wider and step aside so he can enter. He walks in and stands in the middle of the room. I close the door and look around at my room. Iida looks so bright and cheery in the middle of my dull grey room. I stare at the floor. 'why does he want to help me?' my thoughts wander all over the place. An idea pops into my head and I can't help but entertain the thought. "Kaminari?" I hear Iida say my name. "hmm?"
"is everything alright? I've been talking to you for fifteen minutes and you've just been stood staring at the floor." 'huh? It's been fifteen minutes?' I look at my clock and realize that it has indeed been fifteen minutes. I look back at Iida. He had a worried expression on his face. I realise I haven't answered him. "O-Oh, umm, y-yea I'm fine.... I was just spacing out I guess.... " I trail off. Iida looks suspicious and I start to feel uncomfortable. I feel my heart rate spike as Iida's intense gaze makes my anxiety kick in. I feel my face flush and start to feel a little dizzy. "S-Sorry Iida, I'll be right back, okay?" I pretty much run to my bathroom, slamming the door and locking it behind me. I walk over to the sink and turn the cold tap on, filling it with cold water. When it's full I turn the tap off and plunge my head in the water. I hold my head under the water until my chest starts convulsing, my lungs burning, begging me to breathe. I finally lift my head out of the freezing water, gasping for air. Before regaining the oxygen I need I plunge my head back under the icy water. After a few minutes I lift my head and let the water go down the drain. Feeling a little better, I dry my face and return to my room. I look around and my room looks noticeably tidier than it did before. Iida looks over at me and smiles. I smile back and I feel the panic rising again. I go to my bag and collect all the homework I have from over the past few weeks that I haven't completed. I stack them all on the table and Iida stares at the pile, a shocked expression on his face. "well.... I guess we better get started if we actually want to finish tonight...."

1530 words

Hey guys, here's the next chapter to this story. I have a favour to ask all of you though, I feel like this book is progressively getting worse but I don't know if that's because it is or because I don't like my own writing. Please let me know in the comments. Also if you have any ideas as to where this story could go, please leave suggestions cause I'm running out of ideas. But yea, I would be really grateful if you could leave thought on the story and suggestions for it in the comments. Anyways I'll see you in the next chapter, I hope you have a great day/night, bye 🖤

Ps: I keep forgetting to add the recaps so let me know if you want me to add them in and continue with them, k thats all, thanks bye 🖤

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