Chapter 10

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Kaminari's Pov
I sit in the complete darkness of the room, still curled up on the floor. I've been in here for what feels like hours. I don't know how much longer I can stay here. At some point, I'm not sure when, I could feel my body start trembling. I don't know if it's from the cold or because I'm terrified but what I do know is that I need to get out of here. I start to stand up but a wave of nausea knocks me back down. 'what's wrong with me?' I run through all the things that could be wrong and then it hits me. I can't remember the last time I ate. I try to stand up again and, like the last time, a wave of nausea hits me but I stay on my feet. My legs are shaking. I don't know how much longer I can stay up for. I take a step and crumple to the floor. The sense of nausea increases and my head starts spinning. I lay down on the cold floor, my body trembling violently. I close my eyes, willing my body to stop shaking. 'Am I going to die here?' I can feel the exhaustion pushing me down. The feeling of sleep creeps up on me and I find myself drifting away. 'will this be the last time I close my eyes?' My thoughts wander and I find myself smiling at the though of never waking up again as my consciousness drifts away.

Iida's Pov
After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence between me and Midoriya, he eventually clears his throat. "Umm... Would you like to tell me what happened?..." I don't respond, but not because I'm being rude, I simply don't know what to say to him. He walks over and sits on my bed, beside me. Hesitantly, he reaches out his hand and pats my back, comfortingly. I sigh before preparing myself to explain what happened. I open my mouth to speak and everything that happened all comes out in one sentence. "Kaminariwentforawalkandifollowedhimbutthenicouldntfindhimandwhenididhedisappearedintoacloudofsmokeandnowhesgoneandidontknowwhattodo!" Midoriya looks confused. Midoriya smiles faintly, confusion still evident in his eyes. "Heh, you umm, you need to slow down a little Iida, I can't understand you..." I let out a small sigh. Trying to calm myself down, I close my eyes and breathe slowly. After a few minutes I hear Midoriya shuffle, awkwardly, in front of me as he wait for me to tell him what happened. I open my eyes, feeling slightly calmer, however my eyes follow the patterns along the rug on the floor as I can't bear to look Midoriya in the eye. "Kaminari has gone missing..." I hear Midoriya gasp but make no move to lift my gaze. "What happened!?" Midoriya sounds worried. "... Well.... He said he felt unwell and needed air so he went out for a walk. I wanted to ensure he was safe so I followed him out. I'm not sure if he knew where he was going because he wandered into a large crowd. I saw him hurrying into an alleyway so I assume he doesn't like crowds or maybe he was trying to get away or something." My vision becomes blurry but I'm not sure why. I ignore and continue explaining. "I was trying to find my way through the crowd to get to him because he looked panicked...." I trail off. As I recall the memory of him backing into the alleyway I'm reminded of when I stopped him in the cafeteria. He looked the same then too. Like he was panicking or scared... "I couldn't get through without using force. I could hear him screaming so I pushed my way through, he sounded so desperate.... When I got to the edge of the alleyway he was surrounded by a cloud of black smoke. I tried to grab him but he.... He just disappeared..." Saying it out loud, I realise how crazy I sound... Midoriya is silent. I look up at him slightly, trying to see his reaction. I expect to see him trying to hide the skepticism because he seems like the kind of person that would hide his judgements. As I look up I see his face full of worry and slight determination. "I'll help you Iida!" my eyes widen slightly. "You believe me?" He nods then tilts his head slightly. "why shouldn't I? You don't seem like the kind of person to lie about something like that. Besides... You've not been yourself at all since you got back." I guess he has a point. I haven't exactly been the strict and proper character that everyone expects me to be. I smile a little at him. "Thank you Midoriya..." He smiles brightly at me. "Of course, don't worry Iida, I'm always here to help anyone in need because that's what a true number one hero would do!!" he says this quite loud and I laugh a little at his child-like adorableness. From what sounds like above us, I hear a banging followed by Bakugo yelling. "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU DAMN NERD!!! I'M GOING TO BE THE NUMBER ONE HERO, NOT YOU!!!" Midoriya giggles. "Not with that attitude!! You'll always be second best!!" My jaw drops. I never thought I'd hear Midoriya retaliate with something like that. Especially not to Bakugo! Midoriya looks at me with a smile and I can see a small trace of fear in his eyes. I smile a little. "Don't worry Midoriya, I won't let him get you." he nods once with a closed eye smile. "thanks Iida." his smile falters slightly as he brings the conversation back to Kaminari. "So, umm.... What's your plan to find Kaminari?..." Now that I think about it, I don't actually have a plan... "... Well....." I subconsciously tangle my fingers together as I attempt to form some kind of plan. After a few moments of silence, Midoriya places his hand on my shoulder. I look up and see him smiling down at me, his eyes closed. "don't worry, Iida. We'll figure it out together."

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Hey guys, I'm really sorry about this late update and I know it's not all that great. I forgot I was writing this chapter because I've been procrastinating with my college work 😅 I'll try and pick this story back up again if people are still interested. If you're still here then thanks for sticking with me despite my terrible inconsistency. Anyways, that's all from me, I hope you all have a wonderful day/night and I'll see you guys in the next chapter, byee 🖤

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