Christmas Special

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Hey, this chapter is completely unrelated to the story, I just thought it would be fun to do and I hope it makes up for my lack of updates recently.

Kaminari's Pov
I can feel the smile forming on my lips before I even open my eyes. I'm so excited. What for, you ask? Well it just so happens that it's the most exciting day of the whole year. Or for me it is anyway. CHRISTMAS!! Now I know what most of you are probably thinking. You probably think I'm excited because of the presents or something. We'll there you'd be wrong. Mostly. Sure it's nice getting presents from everyone but I personally enjoy seeing all my friends together just hanging out on a special holiday. And I might have a teeny tiny crush on one of them and this holiday gives me an excuse to spend more time with them. Curious to know who it is? You'll have to wait and see.

I jump up out of my bed and run to the window to look outside. It had started snowing last night and I was hoping it would settle. Fortunately for me, it did! And it's still snowing now! I take a deep breath and compose myself. If I get any more excited I think I might explode. I compose myself and calmly walk into the bathroom to shower.
(smol time skip)
I walk out of the bathroom feeling clean. I wander over to my closet and flick through all of my clothes, pondering which outfit would be best for today. After a few moments of thought, I promptly pull a red hoodie with a pikachu in a santa hat on and a pair of black jeans. I look at myself in the body length mirror on the back of my bathroom door, admiring my reflection. I grab a brush and try to tame the wild strands of hair sticking out every which way. Realising I'm not making much progress, I roll my eyes and toss the brush onto my bed, deciding to get some breakfast instead. As soon as I walk out of my room I feel the excitement welling inside me again. The hallway has tinsel strung from the ceiling and cute reindeer stickers all over the walls. I'm about to start making my way down the stairs when I hear a voice behind me. "Hey Denki!! Wait up!" It sounds like Mina. I turn around and my suspicions are confirmed as I'm met with a tuft of pink hair as she crashes into me, knocking us both over. I laugh and look at her dazed expression. "why are you in such a hurry, Mina?" she stares at me as though I just grew another head. "Are you serious!? IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!" I laugh once again at her enthusiasm. "I know but where are you going?" she sighs. "Looking need help. I have nothing to wear." she looks away from me, pouting. I smile and stand up, and offer a hand to Mina. She takes it and pulls herself up. "You want me to help you?" she gasps and grabs my arm, pulling me up the stairs to her dorm. I stumble behind her, unable to regain my footing. She suddenly stops and I almost fall into her but she pushes me back laughing. "Can't keep up with me, huh?" I roll my eyes at her and follow as she walks into her room. She marches over to her closet and swings the doors open. I walk over and my jaw drops. The closet literally couldn't be any more full. I stare in disbelief, confused as to how she hasn't got anything to wear. A knock sounds at the door. "Come in~" Mina says this in a sing-song voice. I hear the door click open but leave Mina to greet whoever it is as I walk over to the closet and flick through a few outfits. "Oh, hi Iida." I flinch and spin around. Sure enough, Iida stands in the doorway. "Good morning Mina. Kaminari. I just wanted to say merry Christmas and came to ask if you would like to join us for some last minute shopping." I turn around and Bury my face into Mina's clothes, feeling my face heating up. "Umm, n-no sorry I can't. I'm helping Mina..." I trail off. "Aww man, I really wanna go." I can tell my Mina's tone of voice that she's probably pouting again. "Oh well there's always next time. Have a great Christmas you two, see you later at dinner." Iida sounds so cheery as his voice gets quieter while he's, presumably, walking away. The door clicks shut and I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding. I turn to look at Mina, only to jump out of my skin, almost falling over. Mina's face was so close to mine yet I didn't even here her moving. My heart is beating out of my chest but I compose myself as best I can. "How do you not have anything to wear, Mina, you couldn't fit anything else in your closet if you tried!" Mina completely ignores my statement and smirks. "You have a crush on Iida." My heart skips a beat at the mention of his name and I feel the heat returning to my cheeks. "N-No I don't..." I look away from her, trying to hide my burning cheeks. She grabs my chin and pulls my face so I'm looking her dead in the eye. She examines my expression for a moment before nodding once. "You totally do! Your face is redder than a strawberry." she giggles and let's go of my chin. "Besides, you never usually stutter but you did when Iida was talking to you and when I mentioned him." Damn, she's good. I sigh. There's no point in denying it seeing as she already knows. "okay fine... I do but if you tell anybody, I'll shock you until you're nothing but a pile of ashes. Got it?" she starts jumping up and down and clapping. "YES! I knew it!" I shake my head at her and turn back to her closet. "So why can't you find anything to wear?" I look through her clothes. "What? Oh, forget the clothes." She pulls a random outfit from the closet. "This will do." She starts getting changed right in front of me. "AH! Mina!! What are you doing!?" I look away, blushing from embarrassment. "Getting changed. If you don't want to see, don't look." I squeeze my eyes shut until I feel her tap my arm. I open my eyes and look at her. She's wearing a red dress which has what is probably the shortest skirt in existence and a grey hoodie over the top. "Won't you be cold? It's snowing." she waves a hand dismissively and shakes her head. "Nah, I'll be fine." she grabs my arm again and practically drags me out of her room. "Sorry Denki but I have to go, I'll see you later" she runs off, leaving me standing in the corridor. I shrug it off and make my way downstairs, in hopes of getting some breakfast. As I reach the common room, I see Midoriya sat on the couch with what looks to be hot chocolate. He turns to look at me and gives me the brightest smile I've ever seen. "Merry Christmas, Kaminari!" I can't help but reflect his smile. "Merry Christmas to you too, Midoriya." I walk into the kitchen but before I can grab some breakfast I feel someone grab my shoulders and shove me out. "Hey! What are yo--!?"
"You can't be in here while I'm cooking, stupid Pikachu!" Bakugo? "Hey shitty nerd!! I though I told you to tell people not to come in here." I hear a small giggle from the couch. "oops, sorry Kacchan. It's Christmas, lighten up a little..." As Midoriya says this I hear small pops and Bakugo's palms light up. "Lighten up? You want me to lighten up!? Sure thing!" Bakugo strides over to Midoriya with an infuriated expression on his face. Midoriya quickly quts his mug on the coffee table and runs around the couch. Bakugo chases him for a good few minutes. "Umm, guys, I think I smell burning..." Bakugo's eyes widen and he stops chasing Midoriya. "Shit!" he runs into the kitchen as I walk over to an out of breath Midoriya. "You okay?" he nods. "I... I think... So..." He collapses on the couch, still gasping for breath. I smile and pat him on the head. I soon find myself wandering over to the other couch, not really knowing what to do. About a minute passes when I hear. "You're a fucking lier, Pikachu!!" I laugh, knowing what he's talking about. Midoriya, now recovered, glances at me quizzically. "I lied about the burning smell." Midoryia smiles and then bursts into laughter and I can't help but join him. Our laughter dies down and Mina comes skipping into the room. "Hi Mina." Midoriya greets Mina with a bright smile. Mina smiles back and then looks over to me. "Yeah, hey." Mina smirks and comes to sit beside me. "Hi guys!" Todoroki soon enters after Mina and I see Midoriya's face light up, before he hides in the jumper he's wearing. I smile. I know Midoriya has a huge crush on Todoroki but I know kinda how he feels. It doesn't take long before everyone else in the dorms joins us in the common room. Iida comes into the room and as soon as he does, Mina stands up. "Hey Iida! Can you come here and save my seat for a sec? I need to do something." My heart starts pounding in my chest. What is she doing!? "Sure Mina." Iida comes over and sits on the couch in Mina's seat. I can feel my cheeks already heating up as I turn and try not to let him notice. "Are you alright Kaminari? You seem tired." I can hear myself screaming internally as I try to come up with something to say. "No, I'm alright..." HUH!? That sounded so calm. Was that even me? "Oh alright." I subconsciously start tapping my fingers on the arm rest of the couch. I look over at Midoriya, hoping to distract myself but it seems he's engaged in a conversation with Todoroki. 'at least he can talk to his crush...' I sigh in relief as Mina comes waltzing back into the room, reclaiming her seat beside me. I stop tapping my fingers and almost melt off of the couch, feeling the tension leaving my body. Mina smirks at me "What's wrong Kaminari?" she's playing dumb and I roll my eyes at her. "Nothing..." she suddenly stands up and leans over to Iida, whispering something to him. His face reddens slightly but he clears his throat and his cheeks return to their original colour. She sits back down next to me. "What did you say to him?" I whisper to her so Iida and the other can't hear me. She smiles at me. "Nothing~" she says in I sing-song voice. I sigh. My gaze wanders and I soon find myself staring at Iida. I quickly look away and decide that, as much as I hate the idea, I'm going to ask Mina for help. "Umm, hey Mina." she glances in my direction. "Hmm?" I breathe deeply, preparing myself for her reaction. "Can you, umm, help me?" she tilts her head to the side slightly. "What with?" I lean a little closer to whisper to her. "Umm, with telling Iida about how I feel." She gasps quietly. I clamp my hand over her mouth just as she starts squealing. "Shhh" she smiles brightly at me and nods once. "I'll help you Denki. Give me five minutes." my jaw drops. "What!? Five minutes!?" I realise my mistake and cover my own mouth. Mina gets up and hurriedly walks out of the room. I glance around, not really sure what to do now. Soon, I hear a ping come from everyone's phone. I check mine to see what it is. Its a message from Mina that reads:
'can everyone besides Denki and Iida come to my dorm room please.' Oh shit. She's going to leave me and Iida in here alone. Suddenly we hear a yell come from the kitchen. "DAMN RACCOON EYES!!" Following Bakugo's outburst, he comes marching out of the kitchen and over to the stairs. "Come on you fucking extras, I'm not going up there by myself!" Almost everyone rolls their eyes and gets up to follow Bakugo, simultaneously. I glance at Iida and our eyes meet. He shrugs at me and looks back at his phone. My phone pings. Iida is the only one that replied. I smile and read his message. 'I apologize for questioning you Mina but may I ask why Denki and I are unable to join you?' I stare at my phone waiting for Mina's reply. 'No you may not, I'll explain later if things go to plan.' I hear someone coming back down the stairs. I stare at the doorway, expecting someone to walk through, but instead I see something flying towards me. Whatever it is it smacks me in the face and drops into my lap. It's.... Mistletoe?... Oh... My face heats up once again as I realise what she's doing. I look at Iida, his face is just as red as mine. He comes to sit on the couch beside me again to examine the mistletoe, as though pretending he didn't already see. He picks it up and stares at it. "I wonder where this came from..." I look away for a second to compose myself. I look back, just about to explain Mina's actions when our lips meet. My heart starts beating hard in my chest and I freeze. Our lips parted almost immediately after they met and I can feel my whole face turning red. I look at Iida to see him staring at the floor, as though it's the most interesting thing in the world, his face impossibly redder than mine. I'm a sudden moment of courage, I grab Iida's chin and pull his head up so his eyes meet mine before pressing my lips against his. I feel him tense up but he soon melts into the kiss. We soon part for air and I jump and nearly fall off of the couch because Mina starts squealing from the doorway. "Mina! Don't sneak up on people like that!" I feel my heart still racing and Iida just sits beside me in silence. Mina pouts "I didn't! You two were just so caught up is your kiss that you didn't hear me coming." she smirks as my face heats up for the millionth time today. "That didn't take as much as I thought it would either. You two were the easiest to get together out of everyone."
"wha?... Who else did you get together?" she smiles at me and opens her mouth, about to tell me, when she falls to the floor under Midoriya, todoroki, kirishima and Bakugo, all of which have faces redder than mine and Iida's put together. She laughs and points at the couples. "Todoroki and Deku, Bakugo and Kirishima making them Midoroki and Bakurima." she squeals and laughs, seemingly proud of her work. 'wait Todoroki and Midoriya are together?' I smile at all of them. "congrats you guys." Mina suddenly gasps. "That makes you two KamiIida." She giggles again and I smile a little at the name. I look at Iida and he's smiling too, still staring at the floor. Bakugo then smacks Mina over the top of the head. "I said don't call us that!" She pays no attention to the fact that he just hit her and smirks at him. "You're not denying that you're with Kiri though." He hits her again. "Hey! You don't get to call him Kiri!" Bakugo's face flushes red as he realises what he just said. Kirishima smiles at him and wraps himself around Bakugo's waist. "Aww, I love you too, Bakubro."
"Get off me Kiri!" Bakugo protests with Kirishima's actions but makes no move to get him off. Bakugo eventually makes his way to the kitchen with Kirishima still attached to him. "Aww they're so cute!" Mina seems to be way too excited over this. Midoriya and Todoroki also get up and make their way over to the couch and cuddle together. Mina squeals again causing Bakugo to yell from the kitchen. "Shut the fuck up raccoon eyes!!" Mina rolls her eyes. "Make me, Bakuhoe." she giggles at the name she gave Bakugo. Bakugo is in the doorway death glaring at Mina, not making any move to attack because of Kirishima trying to calm him down. I suddenly feel a pair of arms wrapping around my own waist. I look down and see Iida, attached to me. I've never seen him like this before. I put one arm around Iida and pat his head with the other. Mina covers her mouth, presumably, to refrain from squealing. I shake my head at her. After calming Mina down and getting Kirishima to detach himself from Bakugo, we spend the rest of the morning and most of the afternoon just hanging out together. That is until food is served, courtesy of Bakugo. Mina starts eating as soon as she gets a plate. "Mmm, Bakugo this ish sho good!" Bakugo has a trace of a smile on his lips but tries not to let it show. "Of course it is raccoon eyes! I made it!" we all laugh and Bakugo pouts and goes back into the kitchen to get more plates. After dinner we all end up lounging around on the couches, watching Christmas movies. After a few hours it looks like almost everyone is asleep, besides me, Iida and Mina. Iida suddenly taps me on the shoulder. I looks down at him. "I... Umm... Well, I just wanted to say that... Um... I love you..." his face is as red as a strawberry as he rushes the last part out. I laugh quietly and hug him. "Yeah.... I love you too, Iida..."

3017 words

Hey guys, I'm really sorry if this chapter seems rushed. I was planning on posting it on Christmas but I didn't know if any of you would actually want to read it on Christmas or Christmas eve seeing as, well, it's Christmas, so I wanted to post it early just in case, also this chapter is really, really long and I didn't want to bore you guys too much. Please tell me your thoughts and opinions on this Christmas special because I'd really like to know how you guys think I did. Okay, I'm done. Thanks for reading guys. Anyways, I'll see all you guys in the next chapter. I hope you all have a wonderful day/night, byee 🖤

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