Chapter 2

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I pause on the stairs and lean against the wall. Almost immediately after I stopped, my mind is overwhelmed with noise and unwanted thoughts. 'I'm so fucking lazy. No wonder no one ever wants to hang out. I'm a failure'. I squeeze my eyes shut and rub my face as a few small tears slip down my cheeks. I open my eyes and push myself to keep walking up the stairs. I take one step and hear a voice behind me. "Kaminari?" It sounds like Iida. "Kaminari are you alright? Are you crying?" he sounds worried. '... Shit'.
Now onto the story
Kaminari's Pov
I quickly wipe my face of tears and turn to look at him, giving him a bright closed eye smile. "Hey Iida, I didn't hear you come in" I laugh a little and my smile falters slightly as he just stares at me. He takes a step towards me and studies my face. "Umm... Something wrong?" I put a hand near my face touching around. "Do I have something on my face or something?" I laugh and he smiles a little and shakes his head. "No" I look at him, slightly worried. "Is something wrong Iida?" He looks up and meets my eyes. "No everything's fine. However, you did not answer my question earlier." I cock my head to the side acting confused. I know what he's talking about but I hoped he'd forgotten or something. "What question?" I stare at him, attempting to look genuinely confused. "Were you crying earlier?" He maintains eye contact, looking serious. I feel my pulse quicken and I attempt to come up with an excuse. "U-Umm, no I just... I got something in my eye is all." I smile, hoping he would believe me. He looks at me, suspiciously, but soon smiles and nods his head. "Okay then but if you ever want to talk you know I'm here to help, okay?" I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and smile, nodding. "Sure, anyway I have to go now so I'll see you later, Iida." I wave goodbye to him as I continue my ascent of the stairs. I reach my dorm and walk in, closing and locking the door behind me. I slide down the door and end up sitting on the floor, my head in my arms. I feel my eyes glaze over with tears and I feel a lump forming in my throat as I try to refrain from crying. Despite my attempts I feel a few tears roll down my cheeks and I give up on trying to hold them back. I sit for a few minutes just crying, hoping to relieve some of the pain. My tears soon subside and I get up, feeling drained. Not feeling much better, I walk over to my bed to try and sleep. Laying on my bed I close my eyes and wait for sleep to come. I lay for what feels like hours, no sign of sleep. I am exhausted but I just can't sleep. I sigh and open my eyes, directing my gaze to the alarm clock on the table beside my bed. 3:02. I stare at the clock, feeling unable to move. The meer thought of getting up makes my body feel ten times heavier. After a few moments, I feel my eyelids drop shut and I slowly drift into sleep. For a moment, confusion clouds my mind. Why couldn't I fall asleep earlier? I shrug it off and let sleep come. Darkness envelopes my mind and I feel strange. Suddenly I feel like I've been dropped and I'm falling. I can't see anything, my mind is spinning and I start feeling nauseous. A bright light fills my vision and I see the ground getting closer. Panic fills my mind and I suddenly wake up, bolting up in a cold sweat. Panting I look around, finding myself in my room. I sigh and fall back onto my bed, waiting for my heart to slow down. After a few minutes I get off the bed and shakily make my way towards to bathroom. Upon entering the room I turn on the tap and splash my face with cold water. Leaving the water to drop from my face and the ends of my hair, I slide down the wall, tears forming in the corners of my eyes. 'I wonder if anything would change if I made my dream come true. Maybe I should. It would be better that way.' A couple tears escape from my eyes and I let them fall, feeling too drained of energy to even bother cleaning myself up. I let my head fall back against the wall and my eyes close. I stay like that for a while just waiting. I eventually get up, coming to the realisation that I need to go to class. I look through the bathroom doorway, into my bedroom, at my alarm clock. 12:15. 'Wow, I've missed almost the whole day.' I sigh and decide it would be best if I showed up to the last two lessons. I wander into my bedroom and get dressed, making myself look at least slightly presentable. Before leaving my room I take a quick glance at the clock. It's 12:30, just in time for lunch. I close and lock my door as I make my way towards the lunch room. I can feel the exhaustion already heavy on top of me as I near drag myself down the stairs. With a sigh I continue walking until I reach to lunch room. I stand in the doorway, hoping to come in unnoticed. I walk in slowly and hear a group of people start laughing. 'They must be laughing at me. I guess I am late and I look like shit.' I start feeling the anxiety in my stomach and my head starts to spin. I look around and everyone seems to be laughing. Laughing at me. My breathing quickens and I start feeling lightheaded. I turn to leave. "Kaminari?" 'Oh shit.' I turn around again. Of course its Iida. "O-Oh hey, I-Iida." I laugh a little trying to find a good point to leave. "Are you alright? You look pale, do you need some help?" I try, and fail, to calm myself down. "Y-Yea everything's fine. I just remembered... I have somewhere to be. Sorry Iida." I turn and start to run, despite the spinning in my mind. I only manage a few steps before someone, presumably Iida, grabs my arm. "Kaminari, are you sure? You don't look okay. I'm here if you need me, okay?" I feel my eyes brimming with tears. "Sure, sure, I have to go sorry..." I pull my arm out of Iida's grasp and run I'm not sure where to but I'm running. I soon stop, breathing heavily, and collapse on the floor. I lay on the floor for a few moments, catching my breath, before sitting up to take in my surroundings. I look around and it doesn't take long for me to conclude. I'm... On the roof? I get up and walk closer to the edge, looking over. 'is this a sign? Maybe. Maybe I should jump. Its not like anyone would really miss me.' I shrug. 'I'll never know if I don't try.' I step up onto the ledge and look down. 'well... Here goes nothing.'...

Iida's Pov (before the run in with Kaminari)
The bell rings for lunch. That's strange, I haven't seen Kaminari at all. I wonder if he's alright. I shrug. I'll check on him after classes, maybe he's just sick. I pick up my belongings and head towards the lunch room. On my way, I find Midoriya and Uraraka. I follow them not wanting to disrupt their conversation. We walk into the lunch room and find a table to sit at. I'm about to sit down when I notice a familiar head of yellow hair. I stand up straight again, starting to walk towards him. I stop a few steps away. He doesn't look too good. He turns away from me. "Kaminari?" he turns to face me again. "O-Oh hey, I-Iida." he laughs a little, although he looks a little panicked. "Are you alright? You look pale, do you need some help?" I see his hands start trembling. "Y-Yea everything's fine. I just remembered... I have somewhere to be. Sorry Iida." he turns and starts to run. He makes it to the doorway before I grab his arm. He's starting to worry me now. "Kaminari, are you sure? You don't look okay. I'm here if you need me, okay?" I see his eyes glazing over with tears. "Sure, sure, I have to go sorry..." he pulls his arm out of my grasp and runs away. I watch him for a second, a sinking feeling forming in my stomach, before following. He continues running, his breathing heavy. I follow for a while, until I hear a noise behind me. I walk in the direction of the noise hoping to find the source. After searching for a moment, I give up coming to the conclusion it was probably just someone further down the hall. I go to continue following Kaminari, finding myself alone in the hallway. 'oh dear' I speed through the corridors hoping to find him. I search the whole floor but don't find him. I start to panic heading for the last place he could've got to in his state. The roof. I open the doors to the roof and find him stepping off of the ledge. "KAMINARI!! NO!!" I run forwards in an attempt to grab his hand and...

1623 words

Hey everyone, I'm so sorry for taking this long to get this chapter out but I was really struggling with the nightmare and most of the story thereafter. Anyway, despite the inconsistency of these chapters, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the story so far. Also, apologies for the cliffhangers 😝. Please forgive me for the late uploads, have a wonderful day/night and I'll see all you guys in the next chapter. 🖤

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