Chaper 2

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I have decided that baku and izuku will not know each other because why not? I'm probably gonna change more stuff in the story, too, for the plot anyway.
Chapter 2 brought you to you by

WhY aRe YoU rUnNiNg

3 pov:
  Masaru was a crying because mitsuki just took his baby.
Daddy was dragging me to the car.
I really hurt because she was pulling me hair. We don't live anywhere near anybody, so nobody heard when I was screaming. We have a Black SUV with tinted windows

Katsuki pov:
" Daddy, please stop it really hurts." I said, crying.

" Shut up, brat where going somewhere," Daddy said .

" W-where are we going?" I said, curious.

" Where going somewhere far away?" Daddy said.

Then daddy threw me in the car it hurt like hell. Cause I hit the belt buckle thing on my arm. Daddy got in and then started driving the car.

48 hours later:
" Wake up, brat, were here," I heard daddy say. So i woke up, and Daddy got out of the car and came up to the door I was sweating at and threw we out of the car.
" W-Where are we," I said
"Come on," Daddy said harshly, and I flinched because I was scared.
" O-ok daddy," I said, stuttering.
We went into a building. I saw a silhouette ( a silhouette is the dark shape and outline of someone) figure in the back of the dark scary building, then whoever or...
What every it was said
" You're finally here,"

what's going to happen next?

Who's or what is silhouette figure?

What is mitsuki trying to do with katsuki?

Find out in chapter three of

Sick/ abused bakugou

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