Chapter 5

850 10 18

Unauthorized surgery
Insane doctor
Medication going into veins

Kat pov:
Oh... God...what's going to happen to me, I thought with tear stains on my cheek.

" Oh, hello test Subject A number 25". The insane doctor looking man said. And what's this about a test Subject...wait their not going to use me as an experiment... Right? I thought.

The man must have noticed my face because he said.
"Don't worry, this'll only hurt alot".
That did not make things better.

"w-what are y-you going t-to do to m-me?" I asked, cursing myself for being so valuable nowadays.

"Oh, something that will change the way of the world, something that will change you into something better," he said, sounding very creepy.

" And w-whats that?" I asked, not caring anymore about the stutter but more worried about what he means.

"Changing you into the perfect weapon." The doctor said with such a dark voice that it sent shivers down my spine.

Perfect weapon... that doesn't sound good at all. I thought

"Now I'm going to put this IV tube in your veins so we can insert the substance," he said.

"Oh, also, you will be awake this whole time. we don't want you missing out on all the fun," he said. I gulped, and I knew for a fact that this would hurt.

Then the other person in the room gave the doctor a drill. What are they going to use a drill for. I thought, terrified of what was to come.

Author POV:

The doctor other doctor prepared katsuki for surgery but not the hospital prepared cause katsuki is still awake and will feel all the pain.

When that was finished, the doctors was ready to perform a surgery called trepanation ( For those you don't know Trepanation is making a burr hole (The verb trepan derives from Old French from Medieval Latin trepanum from Greek trypanon, literally "borer, auger")is a surgical intervention in which a hole is drilled or scraped into the human skull).

Then the main doctor went behind katsuki and turned on the drill and started to drill in kat skull.

"AHHHHHHHH," Katsuki screamed at the top of his lungs. While he was crying his little heart out. The doctor kept drilling.

"AHHHHHHHHH," kat kept screaming. There was blood everywhere. For when the drill first touched him to now.

After a 1 minute
The drill finally stopped, and kat had two holes in his head. Kat was feeling very light-headed, but the doctors didn't give him a chance to catch his breath.

There was a black like substance going into the IV tube on his left arm and a purple substance with white dots going into his right arm.

The purple and white substance looked so thick. Kat was brought out of his thoughts when he felt like his veins were going to explode.

"AHHHHHH," kat screamed.
" PLEASE STOP, I'LL DO ANYTHING JUST STOP," he screamed while crying his crying voice was giving out on him.

Kat then blacked out from all the pain and blood lost.

Kats pov:
When I woke up It was dark, and my eyes were having a hard time adjusting to my dark surroundings.

When I went to move I couldn't. I don't know what was on me or what was holding in place but all I knew was that I couldn't move.

When I looked down, I saw these things on me, I don't know what they are, but they hurt.

Then something opened. I looked up to see a person walking in thought a big thing. It could open and close. The person came over to me.

"Hello, Subject A25," the person said.

" It's good to see that your surgery went well, no complications." Surgery, when did I have surgery.

That's when it all came back to me. The pain in my head came back. And I winced it hurts.

"My names doctor Ash". I will be here with you until the end. The doctor said.

I hope I will be rescued soon. I thought to myself, head still hurting, you know what... everything's hurting.


I did even better this time 693 words in this chapter. The numbers will go higher each chapter, and besides, my brain is dead, anyway

What do you think will happen next?

The doctor already did surgery on kat he's still a kid( won't be for long)

How long will kat be there?

How long will he have to put up the surgery and weird substance going into his body?

Find out In the Next chapter of

Sick/Abused Bakugou

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