Chaptet 4

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Hi Everybody, I'm back from the dead. I'll try to make this chapter longer cause I just released my chapter, which is really short. ⚠️Disclaimer: The pictures are not mine ⚠️

If you're uncomfortable with reading any part of my book, then STOP reading nobodies stopping you from stopping reading the arrow button is on the left corner. Click it if you feel uncomfortable. And don't leave hate comments because honestly, nobody has time for that, and I don't feel like getting reported.

Anyways, onto the story

Kats Pov:
I gulped
His what now...
" Let's get going," the man said, and my head dropped. And i am utterly terrified.
" C-Can y-you a-atleast t-tell m-me y-your n-name," I stuttered from being terrified.
He smiled at me in a creepy way, then said
" River"
Well, I wasn't expecting that.
He then hosed me up over his shoulders roughly and said, " we're leaving this place."
" But I can't have you knowing where we're going."
I gulped at that, but then before I knew it, everything went black. I was in a black vold floating it was peaceful. There was no pain it wasn't even cold, just me floating in an endless darkness. It's like a dream being here, but it's also not a dream because I know River knocked me out now. I'm just left in this vold. At least it's peaceful. It's like I can finally take a breath for a while, that is until my body decides to wake up and interrupt my peaceful mind state. I just floated around until everything started to shake. Maybe I'm waking up now, and I did. I woke up.
But when I woke up, I was in a hospital gown on a hospital bed with  belts tied around my waist, arms, and legs.( wattpad won't let me put the pic 😒.)
I started struggling against the belts to try and get out, but when I did that, it was like the belts were digging into my skin, but I kept trying.
I stopped struggling when I heard the door open and laughing.
" Stop trying, you're never going to get out." A man said then the door opened again but this time a woman came in.
"W-WHAT A-ARE Y-YOU G-GOING T-TO D-DO T-TO M-ME!"i yelled, trying not to show fear, but my stutter ruined that.
"Oh don't worry, it'll only hurt alot".
I started to cry
" p-please d-don't," I said with tears running down my face.
The man and women ignored me.
The woman came over to me and lifted my head and got the belts from under my head. I didn't even know that belt was there. She then strapped my head with it holding my head in place.
Oh .... God.... what's going to happen to me.

YAS 485 WORDS it's better than my other chapters as I start getting more. Into writing this book, the chapters will get longer. Also, I'm working on another book, Maze Runner Bhna Verison. This account will also have oikawa books, I'll maybe even write a book that has nothing to do with anime but more with my imagination, but baby steps first.
Anyway, PEACE OUT.

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