Chapter 7

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Previously on sick bakugou,

"Fine," the man holding me said while rolling his eyes and putting me down. He then got up and said, "Be a good kitty for me, and I'll be back to get you for your medicine." After he said that, he and the other man walked out, leaving me unchained ,on the ground in the room with chained alpha's.

Kats- normal
Kats wolf- slanted

Kat pov:

Silence, that's all I hear is silence.
It's louder than anything.
The only thing you can hear is breathing.
I wonder if I say something or...





" How long have you been here?" a voice asked. I flinched a little, not expecting the voice. The voice was soft yet firm at the same time.

Is he talking to me?...Well Duh kat, he literally got dragged in here with the other dude, so... I huffed at my wolf.


I'm nervous, I haven't talked to anyone in a long time. Kat, you got this. Yeah, you're right.

"H-hello," I said.

Damnnit, i mentally scolded (is this how you spell the word) myself. Why did I stutter.

I blame it on not having anybody to talk, so don't be so hard on yourselfOk, you're right, Augustus. I know I am. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Oh, thank the moon god your ok," the voice said. The voice sounded worried or concerned but had relief in it.

"Uh... yes, I am ok, " i responded.

"How long have you been here?" Another voice said this time the voice was a little deep but soft as if he didn't want to hurt anymore ( meaning you).

" Uh... since I was four, I'm seven now atleast thats what they told me, " I said. Yeah, that's right, I remember. Oh, ok.

"YOU'VE BEEN HERE FOR FOUR YEARS," one of them yelled, and I whimper and cringed at his yelling.  Jesus, does he have to be so loud. I agree with you.

Yelling makes my ears hurt now.
He must've seen what he'd done because he said sorry after the other alpha growled at him.

"It's ok," I said.

"What is your name?" One of them asked.

"Kat, at least that's what I remember," I replied.

"Well, hello, kat, my name is Dewei," the one with the with brown hair and black nightlight said.

What a nice name. Yeah

" Nice to meet you. What is your name?" I asked. turning my head to the other boy. Well, your stutters gone, told you that it was just nerves. Yeah, you're right.

"My name is Sinpau, and it's nice to meet you. The other said.

I never heard a name like that before it's cool.  Yep.

This is going great for our first time  communicating with others again.

Mhm, I agree with you.

I just hope they don't turn on me, then that would be bad.  Let's not think about that right now.

... Yeah

Sorry I couldn't write more. That's all I came up with today.

Well, see you next time on


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