Chapter 6

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Time skip
Katsuki's 7 now

Third person:

Kat was just sitting in the dark, hurting. A few minutes ago, he came back from the getting stuff put in him. His wolf was also hurting but was trying to stay strong for him, but kat knew his wolf was worn out. Kat got his wolf when he was five after his first 4 months here.

But kat was trying not to think too hard about that because simply thinking his head was killing him. To the point where he just wanted to slam it against the wall to make it stop.

The cell was always so silent. The only thing kat could always hear was his own unstable breathing pattern and the way his heart was beating out of his chest as if it wanted to run away and kat had no problem with that.

He was startled out of his head and his hurting thoughts by shouting and struggling. It sounded like someone or something fighting with his captures.

What if they were here before me?. What did the captures do to them if they were?. Will they do the same to me?. What if they are just now kidnapping them?. He thought but he knew the answers weren't going to come to him anytime soon he was actually cursing himself for thinking stupid questions.

He was once again startled out of his thoughts by the cell door opening. But before they were in, kat masked his scent. Then some men he has never seen before came in with two boys he's never seen them either.

One of the boys had brown hair with black highlights. As if he dye his hair but wanted to keep the rest of his head brown. He had a ripped up, dirty white shirt on. His pants were no different ripped but black. He looked at least 10 years old, he was tall, 5'7 at least, and had muscles like you could see though his shirt the shirt couldn't hold his 6 pack. He was thrashing around, growling at the men they were having a hard time holding him to put the chains on.

Kat turned his attention to the other boy on the other side of the room and from what kat could see in his position. The boy had jet black hair that had streaks of midnight blue in it that made him look cool. He had on the same clothes as the other boy, except this boy had more muscle, a 4 pack that's seeping through his shirt because of sweat . He looks 12 years old, maybe older. He's doing the same as the other boy is. This boy was at least 5' 9 such a tall 12 year old. Kat can smell that both boys are alpha's. No wonder their so tall. Kat stood at a good height of 5'6 ", which was good for an omega wolf. Speaking of Wolves, kats wolf was acting strange now, jumping up and down in his head, excited about something. Maybe he was excited that we no longer would be the only ones in here.

"Come down, you filthy dog, or I'm get the taser," one of the men said. That didn't stop the boy he kept growling and struggling to get the chains on. Then, the men reached into his Pocket and pull out a taser, and started tasing the boy. Kat got very frightened but didn't let his scent out. He watched as the boy stopped struggling and went limp his breathing raspy and quick. Kat wanted to help but couldn't because of his body.

" Good, Boy," the evil men said. Then kat watched as the other boy got chained up, too. " Look like this one has more manners,"the other man said. Then the other laughed and said, " What manners are he just doing that so he won't get teased?"

"Yeah, you're right," he said with a smirk. "Now, now you too will be good little boys now want you," the other man said. " FUCK YOU" the boy with jet black hair said that hurt kats ears. The men then laughed and said "that was funny".

Kat Pov:
" I DON'T SEE ANYTHING FUNNY" the other boy shouted hurting my ears more.
But that didn't do anything to the men they just kept laughing.

Then one of the men looked in my direction. "Oh please don't call me out" i though.
"Heeey kat you got company now isn't that nicce" he said. " Damn it" I thought. " Wait did this sun of a sonic just call me kat" I though. Everyone looked in my direction as if expecting something. But I just stayed quiet.

"Oh kitty kat, come out" the man singed. I didn't move more like I couldn't even if I wanted too.
The boys kept looking in my direction now I'm more scared and nervous and more anxious than anything.

I saw them say something but I wasn't paying attention. Then I saw the man walking closer to me. "Maybe I can pretend to sleep and he will leave me alone" I though.
I was wrong he walked behind me and took and chains off and then pick me up bridal style and walked into the middle I heard gasping and growling but kepted my eyes closed. then I heard of the boy growl out a "

"Nothing that you should worry about". I heard the other man say. I heard the Other boy growl. " Stop growling" the man holding me said. Then I felt him look down at me. " Oh Kat, Kitty, Kitty, Wake up" he singed.

I almost threw up but I held it in and pretended I wake up by slowly opening my eyes. " Oh Hey, Kitty kat, it's almost time for your medicine again" He said. But I shooked my head violently. " Yes" he said. Then the other man said over and said " but him on the ground he's not a baby he can handle it".

"Fine" the man holding me said while rolling his eyes and put me down. He then got up and said "Be a good kitty for me and I'll be back to get you for your medicine". After he said that he and the other man walked out leaving me unchained ,on the ground in the room with chained alpha's.

Yes, that's 1059 words. 

What will happen while kats in a room with not one but two chained alpha's?

Will they be nice or harsh towards kat?

And what are kind of medication are these people giving kat?

Find out In the next chapter of Adused/Sick bakugou.


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