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(I always get carried away with texting that involves more than 2 people help me)

Steve POV 

As soon as Bucky leaves the kitchen, I start asking for advice from the other Avengers in the texting group Peter Parker made. 

Captain America: Guys, Bucky is acting out and I don't know what to do about it. 

Iron Man: I gave you that collar for a reason 

Spiderman: k i n k y 

Iron Man: Now's not the time, kid 

Spiderman: sorry mr stark

Falcon: you know he'd never forgive you if you put that thing on him, right? 

Captain America: I know. 

Black Widow: wait I thought I took that away from you 

Iron Man: No, you took away the one I had. 

Hawkeye: have you tried talking to him 

Captain America: Yes, I have! It didn't work. 

Falcon: have you tried talking to him like an adult? you're kinda condescending when you talk to him. you talk to him like a little kid

Captain America: I do not. 

Falcon: oh yeah? how'd the last talk you had with him go? 

Captain America: He was all upset and I told him to calm down and that he was just being paranoid. 

Black Widow: paranoid about what? 

Captain America: He thinks my girlfriend is out to get him. 

The next few texts come in rapid succession, causing me to remember that I never really told any of my other friends that I've been dating someone. 

Black Widow: what girlfriend? 

Hawkeye: woohoo go cap 

Falcon: i think she is too tbh she sure is a shady hoe

Iron Man: Uh I thought you were gay 

Spiderman: ur too old to date 

Falcon: you should dump her 

Shuri: hi 

Iron Man: You're not an Avenger. 

Spiderman: it's my gc I can add who I want 

Ned: it's an honor to be texting you guys 

Falcon: ned and shuri are in this group chat but wanda and bucky arent? 

Spiderman: ned pls just ignore all these texts this is private business. Mr Americas love life is at stake 

Ned: it is?! 

Spiderman: yeah mr soldier is upset with him. they might break up 

Ned: oh no

Captain America: Bucky isn't part of my love life. 

Falcon: but it does involve him 

Captain America: No, it doesn't. 

Iron Man: Just use the collar, Cap. He'll get over it. 

Falcon: he literally wont

Captain America: Will his robotic arm affect it at all? I don't know anything about this technology. 

Iron Man: We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. 

Captain America: Alright. 

Falcon: you're stupid 

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