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(this one switches POV a few times bc some things are kind of happening concurrently)

Bucky POV 

I look out the window, confused, as we miss our turn. I've lived in New York a few times in my life, and I do believe I know where the closest police station to Stark Tower is. 

"I think you missed your turn," I vocalize my thoughts. 

The officer eyes me through the rearview mirror. "No, I belong to a different police department." 

That seems odd, but I don't actually know anything about cops. Maybe they don't dispatch officers from the closest station. Maybe they dispatch officers from the coolest station. 

But how will Steve know which station to go to? He won't. 

Something about the way his eyes keep nervously flickering between the road and the rearview mirror sets me on edge. Everything about his composure just screams suspicious- from the way he anxiously runs his tongue over his lips to the way he adjusts his grip on the steering wheel. Even from the back seat and behind a grated panel, I can see the sweat his palms are leaving on the wheel. 

"Where are we going?" I ask as the realization dawns on me that this man isn't even a cop.

He lets out a strained, fake laugh. "Haven't you ever been arrested before? I'm taking you to the- to the station." 

We are not going to the station.

"You're awfully young," I comment offhandedly.

"To be a police officer? Not really. Minimum age is twenty-one, so-" He shifts awkwardly in his seat. "I'm all good..." 

"That's not what I meant." 

I can tell that he knows I'm onto him, but he's completely failing to play it cool like other older HYDRA agents would. The kid is terrified.

"Let's listen to the radio-" 

I see what he's doing. I know from reading my file the HYDRA played around with classical conditioning- where a song can be a trigger- but I also know that they couldn't get it to work.

Obviously, this guy doesn't know that.

"What good do you think that's gonna do?" I ask in a bored tone as he turns on an old song- the one that they tried to use, but didn't work. "Yeah. I'm not classically trained." 

"I just- I just like fifties music-" 

The car swerves dangerously as he takes his eyes off the road to mess with the volume.

"Careful," I warn. "You could crash." 

My panic spikes as he makes a turn onto a closed road and drives into a darkened empty tunnel. To make matters worse, he turns off his headlights as well.

I can hear his breath shaking tremendously as he slowly removes his hands from the wheel.

"Don't say it-" 

"Hail HYDRA." 

As the vehicle smashes into the wall of the tunnel, I can't help but feel as if he did this on purpose. 


My ears are still ringing from the impact of the crash when the car door is forced open and I'm dragged out of the back seat. As I'm placed onto a gurney and wheeled into the back of a vehicle, I briefly wonder if I'm surrounded by EMTs, but then my wrists and ankles are strapped down, tied tightly into restraints, so I open my eyes and see the dark uniforms. And the guns. Every person in this truck is holding one.

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