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(I have this really obnoxious across the street neighbor and his most recent obnoxious thing is doing what sounds like morse code but with a car horn late at night. This guy makes me want to bash my head against the wall repeatedly he is so annoying thank you for your time) 

Sam POV 

"All better," Steve announces as he returns to the kitchen with Bucky in tow. After that last shock, Bucky accidentally socked himself in the face and Steve had taken him to the bathroom to patch him up. "He's gonna eat and then he's gonna take a nap." 

Bucky glares at him but still keeps up his silence. Steve sits with me at the table while Bucky looks through the cabinets for something to eat. 

"Do you know how I can get him to talk to me?" Steve asks quietly, leaning forward a little. 

"I told you he wouldn't forgive you for this," I say at regular volume. I'm not gonna try to talk about Bucky behind his back. It wouldn't work anyway, since he's in the same room as us and has crazy good hearing. "Ain't my fault you don't listen." 

Bucky accidentally slams a cabinet shut too loudly and apologizes. Steve winces and tells me, "He's just been so aggressive lately. I don't know what else to do." 

"Uh, first off." I lean back casually in my chair. "He's not an animal. He's not 'being aggressive;' he's upset. You're not listening to him and it's just making it worse." 

Bucky sits down next to me, holding an entire loaf of bread. I stare at him, concerned by his eating habits. He kicks my foot. Rude. I kick him back.

"You can't just eat a whole loaf of bread, Buck," Steve tries to tell him and is ultimately ignored.

"Do you think they'd allow you to compete in an eating contest?" I ask, also ignoring Steve. He shrugs and shoves a slice of bread into his mouth, forgetting his manners and saying that he'd win. Disgusting. 

"Why are you being gross?" Steve sighs. "We have a guest." 

Bucky flips him off and Steve angrily rises from his seat, circling around the table to grab Bucky's arm.

"C'mon, get up. We're gonna go to my room and have a quick talk." 

He tries to pull Bucky out of his seat, so I grab Bucky's other hand. 

"You keep saying he's aggressive, but I've been here for fifteen fuckin' minutes and all I've seen is that you're the aggressive one. You grabbing and pulling on him isn't gonna make this shit go away. If you're gonna talk to him, you gonna talk to him out here so I can make sure you're not beating on him or anything."

Steve stares at me like I grew a third arm. Bucky is also staring, but his expression is unreadable and he's clutching my hand like a lifeline, which I don't like. Not because I don't want him to hold my hand. I mean, I don't want him to hold my hand but I grabbed his hand first so I can't complain. I don't like that he's scared enough to hold my hand. He pretends to gag whenever I accidentally brush against his shoulder.

"Fine." He still pulls Bucky out of his seat. "We'll talk in the living room." 

Steve takes the bread and puts it on the table and he and Bucky go sit on the sofa. They talk quietly so I don't hear them. This goes on for a few minutes before Steve pats Bucky on the shoulder and I don't even need to hear him to know he just said, 'Good talk.' He holds his arms out for a hug and Bucky's face lights up for a few seconds. He almost hugs Steve, but instead he forces a blank expression, holds his arms close to himself, and shakes his head. Steve frowns as Bucky gets up and goes to his room, saying loudly enough for me to hear that he's gonna go take a nap. 

"I'm not quite sure what just happened," Steve says, dumbfounded as he puts the bread away. "He loves when I hug him." 

Well, you have been an asshole lately, I think to myself. 

"There's a lot going on in his head right now," I say nonchalantly, scrolling through the 37 memes Peter just sent into the group chat. "He thinks he shouldn't hug you." 

"Why would he think that?" 

I put down my phone and start listing reasons. "He doesn't want to make you uncomfortable, you've been kind of an ass to him so maybe you make him uncomfortable, he's," I do finger quotes, "'not gay' and someone put the idea in his head that hugging you makes him gay, and also you literally told him not to." 

"He told you all that?" 

"Yeah." This appears to make him sad, so I decide to change the subject. "You're gonna marry her, then?"

He visibly brightens, and that makes me upset for a ridiculous reason. Bucky loves him. More than Jennifer could. I know Steve doesn't have to return Bucky's feelings, and it's unfair to expect him to, but seriously. How could you do all that for someone you don't love? I love Bucky. Platonically, obviously. I may not show it but I do care a lot. I just don't understand how Steve could ignore 100 years of friendship just for some lady. And none of us like her. She's clearly intentionally keeping Steve's attention on her so that he doesn't see that someone else still needs him. 

"If she says yes. I know we haven't been together for very long, but I just love her too much to wait, you know?"  

"No," I say honestly. "I don't know. I think you're moving real fuckin' fast and focusing on her too much." 

He snorts as if he thinks I'm joking. Oh shit. He does think I'm joking. 

"You want me to just not pay attention to my girl-" he starts before I interrupt him. I don't even think about it. It just comes out. 

"He thinks you hate him. D'you know that?"

He stares at me blankly. Oh, right. We were talking about Jennifer. He's probably still thinking about that. 

"Barnes," I clarify. "He thinks you hate him." 

"That's ridiculous," he scoffs. "Bucky does not think-" 

"Yeah, he does. You've just been too lovesick to notice. He calls me during thunderstorms now because you haven't been there for him. Because you always tell him to man up and go back to his own bed. And why? Because you're worried Jennifer might have a problem with it?" 

"Well, yeah! She doesn't like the idea of me snuggling my roommate." 

"She's got a problem with you calming down a traumatized veteran? For real, you gotta drop her right now." 

"There's nothing wrong with-"

"Listen to me," I say sternly, as if reprimanding a child. "The whole reason you brought Barnes home was because you thought it would be better for his mental state to be here with someone familiar. But you been so invested in your love life with a perfect stranger that you can't see he's only gettin' worse. You keep neglecting him, I'm gonna ask Stark to have him taken away. That's final. I'll see you in the morning." 

Before he can say anything in response, I'm already up and out the door. I meant what I said. If Steve doesn't step the fuck up, Barnes will be taken away. 

(I want to grow my hair out super long but my hair grows reeeeeeally slow and I know I'm just gonna end up getting frustrated and cutting it all off)

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