Chapter 1: Hey

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Jungkook's POV:

I walked into school alone because Yoongi Hyung was running late today.

I tripped slightly looking down at shoe laces that I forgot to tie.

I bent down tying my laces and straightening myself out before walking to my locker. I shoved some books into my locker that I wouldn't need until later and took out my Chemistry book for first period.

I was just minding my own business packing my lunch into my locker when someone opened the locker next to mine.

"Hey." He said.

Even just with that simple 'Hey.' he's got my heart beating faster.

"H-hey Jimin." I said closing my locker nervously.

He packed some stuff into his locker and closed it smiling at me.

God his eye smile is the cutest.

"See you in Chemistry." He smiled and walked away.

"S-see you." I choked out.

I let out a breath of relief when he was gone far enough.

"Damn he's so cute." I sighed as he was about to turn around a corner.

He was pushed back by a strong set of hands and fell onto the floor causing his books to fall.

"Watch where you're going nerd." He remarked.

"Sorry Jack." Jimin said as picked up his books and looked down. Jackson and his friends, Jihyung (Aka the main bitch of the group) And Lee-yon (The rude asshole of the group) walked away. Jimin scurried away fast as they approached me.

Now the thing about me is I hate seeing Jimin get bullied. And everyone knows not to touch him. But Jack and his little friends didn't see me. See I'm not exactly always that soft and shy, that's the Jimin effect on me, I'm actually pretty tough and will hurt anyone who touches my baby- I-I mean Jimin.

Jackson and his friends started laughing about something as I cracked my knuckles. He came into reach and I punched him straight up in the face, sending him barreling to the floor holding his probably broken nose.

Ahh that's another thing, I did boxing for 4 years so I know how to throw a punch.

"What the- Ohh Jungkook...hey." Jackson said getting up wiping the blood from his nose.

"What did I just see?" I asked walking closer.

"Ohh- Uhh Jungkook I-  it was a mistake, he just walked into me and-"

"You're fucking lucky I have Chemistry in a few minutes, otherwise I would've beat your ass." I said kicking his shin and grabbing my bag and leaving for Chemistry class.

"Jungkook!" Ahh shit please don't tell me a teacher just saw.

"Yes?" I said turning around.

Ohh it was just Yoongi hyung.

"Ohh hey hyung." I gave him my bunny smiled.

"Don't 'Ohh hey hyung' me. I saw you punch that kid." He glared as we walked to his locker.

"He pushed Jimin and-"

"Really? Again with this Jimin story. Look Kook you can't just keep beating kids up behind his back just to keep him safe. They'll just do it when you're not around." Yoongi sighed.

"Then I'll just always be around him." I said passionately.

"Jungkook why don't you just man up and tell him? Then y'all can date and no one will mess with him." Yoongi said closing his locker.

"Because hyung, what if Jimin doesn't like me?" I looked down.

"He will Jungkook, who wouldn't like you?" Yoongi gave me a small reassuring smile.

"Thanks but for now I think I'll keep beating up nitwits who hurt my- I-I mean Jimin." I stuttered and blushed lightly looking away.

"It's not going to last Jungkook you have to tell him eventually." Yoongi sighed.

"I know, I know and I will, when it's the right time okay?" I said as we walked to my class.

"Okay Kook. But if you don't tell him by end of the term I will." He threatened.


"You have 3 months Jungkook. 3 whole months to figure out away to tell Jimin you like him, if you don't I'll tell him you like him and that you've been beating up people to keep his ass safe from bullies. Because let's face it if you two eventually get together, everyone will be to scared of you to fuck with Jimin therefore; Jimin won't get bullied and you can stop beating up people and getting into trouble." Yoongi said as we neared my class.

"Fine hyung." I rolled my eyes.

"And try and talk to the kid more, you barely say anything to the kid yet you're out her literally fighting for his love." Yoongi chuckled.

"Shut up hyung. I have to go." I said punching his shoulder lightly.

"Okay fine." He said walking away.

"And remember 3 MONTHS only." He yelled from down the hall.

3 months to get closer with Jimin and tell him how I feel.

Shouldn't be too hard right?

Boy was I wrong.

A/n: Hey guys this is the first chapter of my new book. I hope you guys like it and I'll try to finish it as soon as possible. Thank you.<3

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