Hamburger wrapper/Alfred-Part 3

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Age: 3

"I'm going to get you!"

Kylie squealed as her Uncle Arthur crawled after her around the living room. As she rounded the corner of the couch, Arthur managed to scoop her up in his hand, her squealing as his index finger wiggled in her stomach.

"Hey guys, food's ready." Yep. The FACE was spending lunch with Kylie, upon America's request.

"Why can't we have the TV or some music on?" Alfred whined, seated next to her.

"It's the polite thing to do with company, bloody git..."

"Name-calling isn't very nice, Uncle Iggy!" Kylie said. Matthew smiled and snickered.

"Sorry, poppet," He mumbled, glancing at her quickly and smiling.

"I would not mind some music either," Francis said, having swallowed his food.

"KIDS BOP!" she exclaimed.

Her uncles Matthew and Arthur, and Alfred, shook their heads violently, having been through more than one road trip with this music blaring and her singing at the top of her little lungs.

"NO!" All three shouted.

She jumped and began to tear up at this outburst, to which France and America quickly put down their forks and began to comfort her.

"Oh, ma cherie! Look at what you jerks 'ave done to ma precious niece!" Francis had picked her up as her lip trembled, and she tried to fight off the tears.

Apologies were thrown at her.

"I'm so sorry, baby!" Alfred was actually crying himself.

"Maple Leaf, I didn't mean to yell!" Canada had actually spoken in a regular speaking voice. He just usually whispered.

"Poppet, I'm sorry but you know how much I hate America's new music!" Britain spoke personally, as Arthur Kirkland, not for his people.

She calmed down, wiping wet eyes as they settled down too. She was placed back in her seat.

"...America?" Britain asked.

The American was still sniffling—he absolutely hated it when she cried. And he absolutely loathed it when he was the cause, which was rare. "I-I'm fine!"

"You are sure about that?" France leaned down, trying to get a better look.


"Are you crying?" Canada tried to look at his brother.


She took hold of a napkin and held it up to him. "Blow, Daddy."

He took it and blew, giving her a smile with wet eyes. "Thanks..."

Arthur began to snicker, but shut up at her glare.

"...Love you!" She shouted after a few moments of silence.

"We love you too!" The four of them replied back...

Age: 4

"Kylie, this is Mathias...Or Denmark..."

The man with gravity-defying hair grinned. "Hey there!"

"And this is Gilbert-Slash-Prussia!"

"Hey, frau!" The man with white hair and red eyes grinned. "Zis is mein Awesome Gilbird, too!" He motioned to the yellow bird on his shoulder.

"We..." Alfred put her on his shoulder, "are collectively known as the Awesome Trio, my little heroine. For an awesome reason, of course. And we're going to finally get the up-one on Britain this year and scare him so badly...!" He was referring to what she only knew to be their contest every year: to see who would scare the other brother the most.

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