Kitty/ Yao-Part 3

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Age 2:

"Smile!" Hong Kong, or Leon, smiled himself and held the phone out in front of them both for a selfie. With Kylie on his shoulder, they both gave wide grins as Leon took the picture and sent it to Yao. He was right in the next room cooking, but still. It was such a cute picture and it needed to be seen. Leon had on a brand new shirt, and Kylie wrapped in a blanket because she was still sick. "Aw, nuts," Leon took a second look at it. "Whwat?" she asked as she looked up at him. "I look so ugly in this..."

"No ywou dwon't!"

"Yes I do, ungh! I hate these stupid eyebrows!"

"Ywou lwook rweally cwute!"

"...I do not."

"Ywou dwo!" She fell into another coughing fit, and he patted her back carefully until it passed. Hong Kong held up the fresh cup of tea Yao had brought in minute before, which she sipped at graciously. Originally it had just been Kylie and Yao in his countryside home, but Leon insisted on coming up and helping him take care of her. The younger nation just wanted an excuse to get to know her and spend time with his older brother...But also mostly just bother him and get to know the Tiny toddler. "Kylie?" Yao came in as another round of coughs rattled her small frame, and he took her into his hands. "Poor dear..."

"Did you get our message?" Leon asked as he leaned into the couch. "Yes, and I love it," He smiled and rubbed her back as the fit passed over.

"Well you shouldn't, I look awful in that picture...Aw, Emil just sent me a picture of his puffin! Wanna see?" Leon grinned and held up a blurry picture of Iceland's puffin scratching himself for Yao and Kylie when she turned around to see. "It is nice," The Chinese man said flatly. "Go into the kitchen and keep an eye on the food please, I am going to lay down with her and see if that will help."

"Sure thing, Sir," Leon stayed glued to his phone as he got up to walk to the other room, and Yao carried her to the bedroom.

China missed it, but Kylie giggled softly when Leon walked into the doorway because he was not looking up, which he did after he ran into the wall. Yao got tem both comfortable on the bed. He was lying on his side, and Kylie was cradled against his chest, still wrapped in the blanket, but he also wrapped an hand around her. She had been in this house for a few days now, and was just now getting over the terrible cold she had caught from being outside in the freezing weather. He didn't want her health to go back downhill. "Comfortable?" He asked softly.

"Yes," she yawned and settled down. Naptime was way overdue, especially after an afternoon of Leon's selfies and apps and tales of epic pranks on England. "Do you need a story?" he asked.

"No thwank ywou, Pwapa." His eyes snapped open at that. "...Huh?"

"I swaid no thwank ywou."

Yao's lips twitched upwards into a grin, "N-no Kylie, d-did you just call me Papa?"

"Yes," she blinked up at him and wondered why he seemed so happy. "You think of me as your Papa?!" He straight up squealed. "...Yes?" Kylie began to grow nervous at this new behavior, but smiled because he was smiling. Kylie calling China Papa meant that she had accepted him into her life. He had already learned to love her, as he had all of his past colonies, but this was her meeting him halfway. she had truly accepted him. "Ywou trweat me nwice and fweed me," she went on. "Shwopmwan nwever dwid whwat ywou do fwor me. I fweel...nwice arwound ywou." Yao blinked and wiped an eye. That was quite the bittersweet confession. "Kylie, I love you so much!"

"I lwove ywou twoo!" she said as she grinned at him, and giggled when he gave her an Eskimo kiss. "But I will always love you more, my sweet little panda," He kept nuzzling and holding her until she actually fell asleep, and stayed by her side even when Hong Kong came in and hesitated in the doorway. "...Lunch is ready, sir," Leon whispered. "Leave it low on the stove," Yao turned his head towards his old colony. "Kylie fell asleep early. I am going to wait until she wakes up to eat too, but if you wish then you can start."

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