Rose/ Francis-Part 3

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Francis smiled at Kylie's awestruck eyes watching everything that he was doing. From the moment that Francis had first cooked for her, she wanted to learn everything from him. "And now, we add doux  eggs, oui?" "Oui, papa!" Kylie said as she pushed the two eggs close to the mixing bowl, watching as her papa added them and then stirred until the eggs had been mixed in well with the sugar. "Très bien, ma amour. Now, we add this to...?" Kylie bit her lip as she tried to recall the words. "Um, quatre-vingt-cinq flour? And quatre-cinq cocoa powder?" "Oui! Très bien fait, ma ange!" Kylie watched as her papa poured the mixtures together and mixed them, before pouring them into a tin and placing them in the oven. "Voilà. Now, we wait for...?" "Vingt-cinq minutes!" "Excellent, ma bella. I am very proud." France smiled as he shut the oven door, taking his gloves off and scooping her up in his hands. That was the other thing he loved about cooking with Kylie; it was an excellent way to help her learn French. "Did I get them all right, papa?" "You did indeed. At this rate, you'll be a master chef in no time at all." He walked over to the sofa, sat down and pulled a book out, settling her on his lap, "Now, ma douex, it is time for your reading, non?" "Oui papa," Kylie said as she nodded her head before the both of them became engrossed in the book – it had been one of France's top priorities that Kylie learn how to read and write, as well as speak other languages among other things. Soon, the oven timer was ringing and France was pulling the tray out the over. Then a knock soon came at the door before it was opened. "Bonjour, c'est moi. Et Angleterre." Kylie grinned as she looked up to see Canada, closely followed by England. "Mon frère!"  she squealed, jumping up and down, waiting to get a hug from the Canadian. "Salut, ma sour." Canada smiled, hugging herback. "Oncle Angleterre!" "'Ello Love," Britain gave a small smile as she was hugged by him as well. "Just in time – we made brownies." France smiled as he cut the squares up. Kylie spent that afternoon beaming with pride as she was praised for her good work. But she couldn't take all the credit, after all, she did learn from the best, her papa.

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