Cross Necklace/Ludwig-Part 3

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Kylie watched her Vati and Onkel Feli run laps. Well, more like Ludwig was running, while Feli was just barely jogging. It had been over a year since Germany adopted her, and she had never been happier. She looked over at her Onkel Kiku seated beside her. "Why does Vati like training so much?" Kiku paused to think before turning to her. "It is something that your father rikes doing, Kylie." "He likes it the same way he likes cleaning?" she asked. "Yes..." Kiku said before turning back to his tea, leaving the...The next morning Germany awoke to start early morning training. He went to step out of his bedroom, and nearly fell over upon seeing Kylie standing there, dressed in runners, dark green leggings and a white T-shirt. "Kylie? Vhut are you doing up so early, liebling?" he asked once his shock wore off. Kylie only smiled and only gave him a salute, be it a bit of a off-set one, "Kylie is present and reporting for training!" Germany blinked at the little declaration. At first, he wanted to say no, mostly because a three year old shouldn't have to worry about training, and also for safety reasons since she was a Tiny child. But seeing her dressed for it, as well as her determined look, he decided to relent just this once. Of course, he gave her a different track to run laps on, as running a full lap on a normal one would have taken her all day. Instead, he had her a boulder off to the side of the track. She put all her effort into the task, outlasting Italy, who all but passed out after one lap, keeping up with Germany's pace. He soon tired though, and went to sit down, but Kylie didn't show signs of stopping anytime soon. As hours passed, she was still running. Italy sat up with a yawn, "Ve~What a wonderful nap-She's still running laps?!" he asked upon seeing the three year old still going. Finally, Kylie at last stopped running. She looked up drowsily as Germany gentle scooped her up. "Time to head home, my little soldier." "Hey, Vati?" she said. "Ja?"  she smiled before cuddling against him, "I ran more laps than you." Germany smiled fondly as he carried her home. Kylie was no doubt a little fighter, and he would be in her corner always.

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