Maple Leaf/Matthew-Part 3

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Kylie giggled as Matthew cuddled her close to his chest. The Canadian nation was nothing but smiles ever since this beautiful Tiny toddler had entered his life. In his love and care, the little girl thrived, going from a sickly two-year-old and becoming a happy, energetic kid. And like many kids, she was always wanting to explore and play, and just go nuts with new activities. And one of those new activities was good old-fashioned hockey. She already loved the sport when she would be held by either her uncle Arthur or Francis, watching her daddy kick her uncle Alfred's butt in a one-on-one hockey match. She already had a little Canadian hockey team jersey of her own. She didn't yet know how to skate yet. But that was soon to change because today was the day that her father and Uncle Alfred were going to take her skating for the first time. And as luck would have, there was a frozen pond right behind the property, so they didn't have to worry about her being underfoot. "Okay little Maple, you ready to get out on the ice?" Matthew asked as double checked that her skates were laced up well and tight, as well as making sure that all her other safety gear was also ready. "Yep! I'm ready to roll!" Kylie cheered. Soon the trio made their way down to the pond, and Alfred went out onto it first, "See Kylie? It's super easy!" Kylie stared at it nervously for a few seconds, then looked back up at her father. "It's alright. I'll be right behind you." With those words boosting her confidence, she then moved so that she was on the ice. At first, she was struggling to stay upright, but she had the two greatest family members to guide her, and she soon got the hang of it, laughing all the while...Evening settled over the household, as everyone was worn out from all the excitement of the day. Matthew carried Kylie upstairs to her room. "Daddy? I hope I get to grow up real tall and strong someday." "Oh? And why do you want that, Maple?" "So that I can one day protect you the same way you protect me." The one sentence was enough to melt his heart, and he gave a gentle kiss on the forehead. "You are too good for this world, I love you so much." "Love you too, Daddy." As he left the room, he smiled. Yes, there might be times when he would go un-noticed, but as long as Kylie was in his life, that was all he needed.

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