2|Lost and Alone

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Kylie had wandered the giant streets of New York, doubting her choice to leave the shop. The morning passed without incident—she saw a human beggar around noon, and wondered if it was worth a shot to ask others for money for food. Then who would give money to a tiny, let alone a Tiny 2 year old? It began raining, and continued to do so all day until she was soaked to the bone. She got a little more scraped up as she was tried to avoid being stepped on. It was now sunset, six or seven o'clock, and nobody had even noticed her all the while she wandered around. She couldn't go back to the shop. And yet—she was barefoot, her clothes were soaking wet and dirty from the rain and either tripping into the ground or massive cars splashing her on their way. Her hands, arms and legs were scraped from hitting the hard cement of the sidewalk multiple times. She was exhausted, and it had only been one day. At least at the shop she would've gotten some leftovers to eat, had a bed to sleep on…But being hurt and hated wasn't worth it. She stood next to a very large building now, in front of an alley. "H-hwello? Mwister?" She looked up at a man with big pleading eyes, but he only gave her a cold glance back before entering the building. Tears stung the corners of her eyes. So…was everybody a monster like shop man? "Hwe-hwello," she tried a couple walking up, managing to stop them. "C-cwan I jwust hwave a fwood? Pwease?" "Aw," The woman cooed, taking out a  cracker and handing it to her just as the man dragged her away. "Thwank ywou!" She called out. Now she had food! "Sarah, you don't give food to a stray Tiny! You never know what kinds of diseases they might carry!" "Mike, she was just…" Her voice was lost to the roar of the city. Sighing, she turned into the alley and laid down beside a garbage can, using her arms as a pillow. Because of the rooftop above covering perhaps a foot between wall and cement, she could shove herself in that space and stay mostly dry if she could. Shivering and exhausted, she fell asleep and dreamt that the shopkeeper found her again. The night was a long and freezing one.

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