Scone/Arthur-Part 3

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Age 2:

"Dwaddy, cwan ywou swing the swong abwout the swea...?" At first, Arthur didn't understand, then he realized she wanted to hear the song from that one movie that Ireland had shown her. The Song of the Sea. "Of course, love." He settled her into a rocking chair, and shifted her so that she was nestled into a blanket in the crook of his arm. He then slowly began rocking the chair, and soon the melody she loved hearing from him came flowing out like naturally.

"Hush now, mo stóirín
Close your eyes and sleep
Waltzing the waves
Diving in the deep

Stars are shining bright
The wind is on the rise
Whispering words
of long lost lullabies

Oh won't you come with me
Where the moon is made of gold
And in the morning sun
We'll be sailing

Oh won't you come with me
Where the ocean meets the sky
And as the clouds roll by
We'll sing the song of the sea

I had a dream last night
And heard the sweetest sound
I saw a great white light
And dancers in the round

Castles in the sand
Cradles in the trees
Don't cry, I'll see you by and by

Oh won't you come with me
Where the moon is made of gold
And in the morning sun
We'll be sailing

Oh won't you come with me
Where the ocean meets the sky
And as the clouds roll by
We'll sing the song of the sea


Oh won't you come with me
Where the moon is made of gold
And in the morning sun
We'll be sailing free

Oh won't you come with me
Where the ocean meets the sky
And as the clouds roll by
We'll sing the song of the sea..." Kylie smiled sleepily and leaned against his chest. "I wove ywou, Dwaddy..." "And I love you too, my little darling..."

Age 4:

Arthur smiled sadly. The first actual friend Kylie has made was moving away. He had grown rather fond of young Vincent himself, the same went for James as well. The two hugged each other, then Vincent took a beaded bracelet, one that looked identical to the one on his wrist. "This way you always can keep me near you." Kylie watched as the van pulled away..."Daddy...I feel like he might come back someday..." "Only time will tell, sweetheart..."

Age 8:

Halloween was without a doubt the one holiday, aside from Christmas, that she shared with Alfred. "Okay, poppet, what are you wanting to be for your costume?" He figured she would want to be a princess, or have costume of a job profession, like a police officer, or a firefighter. "What I want for a costume is something we can do together! She said with a excited grin..."Hey, Iggy! You and Kylie ready yet?!" All the countries were gathered at the Englishman's place, per the invitation the American sent out, each dressed in costumes, some in their own, and others in group costumes. Then England walked into the room. He was wearing a Disney Peter Pan costume, and Kylie was wearing a tiny Wendy Darling costume. "Ve~ You-a two look-a so adorable!" Italy said as Kiku and Elizabeta began snapping photos. "Really, I knew you would go for this, Artie." Alfred said. "Shut up git, and it was Kylie's choice." Arthur said as he smiled at her. He shouldn't have been too surprised. After all, he loved the Disney movies that took place in his capital. Peter Pan, Mary Poppins, The Great Mouse Detective, just to name a few.
"I wanted it to be special!"

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