Chapter 10

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Lizzie p.o.v

I couldn't believe it when Hazel showed us her arms but at the same time I wasn't surprised Trevor likes to think he's in change of what the women in his life do and say. I still don't fully trust her as we all sit on the couches I did notice a weird tension between Silas and Dakota tho I wonder what that's about. Oh well I will find that out later, Skylar is beside me he takes my hand in his while Hazel tells us what's happened.

Hazel - I am guessing you want to know what happened that night and after?

Lizzie - yeah but only if you feel comfortable with telling us.

Hazel takes a deep breath before starting.

Hazel - well earlier on the day before you caught us........

---Flashback 1 year and 6 month's ago---

Hazel p.o.v

Ring ring ring

I am driving in my car to see one of my best friends in the world when the sound of my phone going off gets my attention lucky for me I am wearing my bluetooth headset so I answer it.

Hazel - hello?

Trevor - hey beautiful.

Oh my god not this cunt again he's actually the reason I am going to see Lizzie I have got the proof he's been cheating I don't know if she knows or not I have to tell her.

Hazel - what do you want Trevor? I've no time for your shit today.

Trevor - nothing much just checking on my favourite girl.

What the fuck?!

Hazel - I am not your girl Trevor

Either will Lizzie by the time he gets back from work however what he says next sends a cols shiver down my spine.

Trevor - you will be soon.

Then he hangs up I try not to freak out as I keep driving to their apartment. As I reach the building there is a feeling in my gut and its not a good one, it only gets stronger as I walk up the stairs to the door. I shouldn't be scared since I know self-defense but I can't help thinking I should have brought someone with me. I get a surprise when I reach their door only to find it unlocked which is strange since its always locked using my foot I gently push the door open, the lights are on I call out for lizzie.

Hazel - lizzie are you here?

I step inside closing the door behind me, I first check the kitchen but find nothing then I check the living room.... Nothing. Suddenly I hear a noise coming from the bedroom so I go to check it incase its Lizzie and she needs help but when I open the bedroom door I get a shock as I see Trevor pounding some blonde bimbo.

Hazel - I fucking knew it!!!

Before I could even move Trevor was off the girl and was pinning me against the wall.

Trevor - hello sweet Hazel why don't you join us?

I felt sick to my stomach.

Hazel - hell no let me fucking go.

A evil drink comes across his face as the girl comes over with a glass in her hands.

Trevor - that wasn't a request, drink up.

He grabs my face forcing my mouth open as the clear liquid runs down my throat it tasted bad that's when I realized it was drugged. I lost complete control of my body I could only watch as he has his way with me I feel dirty but when Lizzie came in the door my heart broke I tried to tell her but only found myself laughing at her as Trevor grabbed her by the hair and throw her in the wardrobe it went black after that when I woke up I was home with no idea how I got there.

---present time---

Lizzie p.o.v

Lizzie - so he drugged you?

She nods yes I search her eyes to see if there is there is any lie there is no lie to be found but then again I shouldn't be surprised he drugged her. Now I feel bad for all the things I said to her and before I could say how sorry I am she starts talking.

Hazel - but that wasn't all, a few days after he came to my house saying that you had gone missing and I was to take you place when I told him no he......

Dakota places her hand on her sisters shoulder as Hazel's eyes start to water, Hazel looks to Dakota before looking back to me and continuing.

Hazel - he said if I didn't do what he wanted he would....... torture, rape and kill you Dakota while he made me watch I had to protect you.

Dakota - hazel... God I wish you would have told me.

Dakota wraps her arms around Hazel.

Dakota - I would have helped you like I did with lizzie.

Silas stands up and begins to pace around the room I can see his trying to calm himself down and he wasn't the only one I could feel Skylar tense up beside me. I look back to Hazel and Dakota as Hazel starts to cry in her sisters arms but soon looks to me and sits up.

Hazel - Lizzie I know you hate me but please say you believe me when I say I am so sorry for that night and...........

I cut her off by raising my hand.

Lizzie - Hazel even tho it hurt like hell after what happened that night but now I have heard your side of the story I can see you are telling the truth so yes I believe you but our friendship won't be the same.

Hazel gets up and cones over kneeling in first of me what is she doing?

Hazel - Lizzie I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you I promise on my life I will never betray your trust again. apart from Dakota you are the closet I have to other sister I hate myself for hurting you, nothing and no one will stop me from helping you I will stand be your side and never leave it again.

I am moved by what she said but still I am cautious it will take time but we will soon see if she means it or not. She soon stands up.

Hazel - there is something else you guys stood know tho Trevor is up to something and he's not working alone.

Trevor p.o.v

That fucking bitch once I have her in my grip she will get such a punishment she will never ever think of leaving again and that little lover of hers will pay for getting in between us if he thinks I am giving her up so easily he's dead wrong. I woke up in the cells for my one phone call I need to contact someone who's been by my side since the start.

Bonnie - how's my future son in law.

Trevor - I need you to bail me out of jail we need to press forward with the plan.

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