Chapter 1 ~ Wonderland

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I let out a tired yawn as I finished up my late night shift at the confectionary shop I worked at. It was almost midnight, I should head back home and catch at least some sleep.

The spare key in hand, I locked the shop doors behind me, the bell jangling one last time. And with that, I headed out into the night.

It was such a beautiful full moon tonight, the stars twinkled up above. Like lanterns, a thousand lanterns lighting the sky on fire. It was breathtaking.

I was so focused on the sky that I didn't pay attention to where I was going, bumping into someone's back on accident.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I yelped as I jumped back, rubbing my nose slightly.

"No, no, it's quite alright," I heard a male's voice say. It sounded... familiar?

I looked up to see a young man with long strands of white hair and peachy eyes hidden behind a pair of rectangular glasses. He had on a peculiar outfit, a white button up with a blue vest and a tan suit overtop. It had an almost fairytale-like quality to it, along with the leather bag by his side.

Looking at this man, I couldn't help but feel like I've seen him somewhere, I can't place where though. Maybe at a store? Or at a shop? Was he one of the customers at the store I worked at? I don't think so, I would for sure recognize such a special outfit and the aura he gave off.


"Oh my," the man said, glancing at a watch on his wrist. "It's getting late, I really must get going now." He handed me back the phone in it's starry phone case that I had dropped before hurrying away.

"Wait," I called out, wanting to question this man further, but he was already rushing away. He really must be in a hurry.

I let out a sigh as I made sure I got everything, only to see a blue and silver pocket watch resting on the floor, right where the man was retrieving my stuff.

Hey, didn't he have a pocket watch strapped to his bag as well?

Well now I definitely have to catch up to him!

"Excuse me, sir," I called out into the still night air. The man was already a long way ahead, and I could barely make out his silhouette as he headed to St. James' Park.

Well, good thing I know a shortcut!

The man seemed to be making his way to the middle of the park, so I carefully dodged trees and bushes as I cut across the grass. It was faster this way.

Suddenly, the man was gone. He jumped into the ground, and it swallowed him whole. I stood there, gaping for a moment before shaking myself out of it. I don't recall there ever being a hole in that area, but it could've changed.

Following the single beam of moonlight, I walked over to where the man was. There was a pit in the ground, a hole.

My mind flashed back to around fifteen years ago. Fifteen years ago, almost on this exact date, I fell into a similar hole, also lit by moonlight. I was lost in this new world, but I eventually adjusted. I still miss home though, I miss my family and friends that awaited me back in my own world.

This hole may have a chance of leading me to them, or it could lead to somewhere far more dangerous.

Either way, I was curious, and I needed to return the man's watch.

Before I could second guess myself, I jumped into the hole, holding onto my bag tightly, all of my stuff inside it, including the watch.

Bright lights flashed before me, like a disco ball, and I was more certain that this was my way back home. I remember a tunnel and bright lights as well, the night I was forced away from home. Or maybe it was just the spreading fire that still danced across my closed eyelids.

Eventually, the bright colors stopped and I felt as light as a feather. I squinted an eye open and couldn't help but gasp at the beauty that lay before me.

I was back in Cradle.

I was back home.

I recognized the Civic Center, The Garden, the Magic Tower, the opposing Red and Black armies, I was home.

After fifteen long years, I finally made my way back. I hope nothing changed too much. I wonder if Luka and Jonah still remember me, their little baby sister. I was just six when I last saw them, I'm twenty one now so Luka should be twenty three and Jonah twenty four.

What about Lancelot? I vaguely remember the two of us being engaged, even if I wasn't too sure what that meant as a child. Does he still remember the engagement? Was it actually real or just a prank thought up by our parents? It's been fifteen years, was the engagement called off yet?

I fingered the bracelet on my wrist, a simple bracelet made up of two strands of thick brown cords, four knots, and a single glowing golden gem.


Hey, weren't these gems supposed to glow when the other gem was close? As I hurled towards the ground, the gem started glowing brighter and brighter. I flipped my sleeve down, not wanting to let the light show.

Wait a sec, hurling towards the ground!?

I finally realized the situation I was in and yelped slightly as I saw the ground from The Garden fly closer and closer. I closed my eyes, throwing my hands out in front of me, bracing for impact, but it never came. I was enveloped by a pair of warm, strong arms.

"Who are you," I heard a male voice demand.

I blinked my eyes open to see a tall guy with blonde hair, as golden as the sun. His sky blue eyes were narrowed with suspicion, but also something else. He was wearing a red and white uniform with golden accents, a fur lined red cape thrown across a shoulder.

"Oh," I murmured as I stared into those familiar azure orbs. Lancelot?

I shook my head out of my thoughts as I hopped out of this man's grasp.

"I'm super sorry," I apologized, curtsying on instinct.

Your childhood sticks with you, you know? I've always been told this was the proper way to apologize, and to greet people. Two birds with one stone.

"I'm actually looking for someone," I said, squinting through the bodies of black and blue, white and red. White hair and glasses, brown suit. White hair and glasses, brown suit. "Did you happen to see anyone with white hair and glasses in a brown suit rush by?"

The man ignored me, instead calling out to someone. "Queen of Hearts, arrest this trespasser."

Trespasser!? I know that The Garden is a sacred place only the military should be in, but don't you think that's a bit too...

My jaw slacked as I saw a guy that looked like a porcelain doll. Fair skin, the only blemish a single mole under his right eye. White hair, reaching just about the shoulder. His uniform was white and red as well. Amber orbs glared me down, softening slightly in recognition before hardening into ice.




Once again, almost forgot to upload until the last minute. But hey, at least I have been remembering to upload! 

Anyways, Nova finally falls into Cradle and the story can finally actually begin! Sorry if there may be any grammer errors or writing inconsistencies, I'm still really new with all of this. I'm not following the exact prologue of the game since I wanna put my own twist on it, I wanna put more emphasize on the fact that Nova and Lance are a ship. Hope that's okay with you guys. 

Word Count (not including A/N): 1233 


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