Chapter 8 ~ Food & Sleep

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"Woah," I murmured as Luka and Seth finished giving me the tour of the place. Seth wanted to do it alone, but Luka didn't want me out of his sight just yet. I think he's scared that I'll disappear if he wasn't watching me.

Part of me is scared of him poofing into thin air as well.

"Got any questions," Seth asked.

"Nope," I smiled. "Everything is pretty straight forward. Now, I'm gonna get something to eat before heading to take a nap, kay?"

Luka's eyes lit up. "I'll make your favourite," he beamed, rushing off to the kitchen to make me pancakes with extra whip cream and berries.

"Don't forget the apples," I yelled after Luka.

"Dipped in honey, I know," he called back.

I smiled as I watched my brother disappear behind a corner, not permanently that's for sure. But maybe I should follow him, just in case.

"You two seem pretty close," Seth commented, stopping me before I ran after Luka.

"Yeah, we chatted a lot on the horse ride," I explained. "We have a lot of common interests, that's all."

Seth nodded his head slowly, but he didn't seem to believe my words.

"Anyways, I'm gonna go help him out," I said, sliding out of the conversation. "Thanks for showing me around, Seth!" And with that I rushed into the kitchen. "Need any help," I asked as I watched Luka expertly flip the pancake batter on the pan.

"No, you were always clumsy in the kitchens," Luka smiled. "I'd rather not risk it."

I rolled my eyes as I sat down on the table, watching Luka as he flipped the pancakes again and again.

"Jonah would be proud," I subconsciously commented. "He was always worried about both of us, but now you're old enough to take care of yourself. Even take care of me."

Luka nodded his head, smile turning bittersweet. "Yeah, I suppose Jonah would be happy."

I smiled sleepily, proud of my big brother as I rested my head in my hands, closing my eyes for a little bit. The last thing I saw was a little flash of amber under my sleeve.


"Once I'm King, I'll protect you with my life," I heard a little boy's voice announce. "And there will be no more fighting, or wars!"

Everything around me was white, I couldn't see anything. Eventually, the light faded away to reveal two little kids playing in an empty garden, the bushes blooming with flowers and plants, the birds singing songs above.

It was a memory. Of me and Lancelot. He had his hair clipped back with pastel pink barrettes as he held up his wooden toy sword, swinging it like a soldier.

Little me giggled as she braided some pink and purple flowers together to form a flower crown.

"Here," I had announced, holding the crown up. "From this day on, I crown you my prince!"

Lancelot bowed his head to let my smaller frame place the crown atop his head. He carefully adjusted it a little bit to make sure it wouldn't fall off.

"Thank you, my princess," he said, bowing once again.

The young girl giggled again as she curtsied, the proper way to thank people as a lady. I still have a habit of curtsying on instinct when I want to show my gratitude. I've gotten used to just throwing my arms around them and giving them hugs though.

Sure enough, little me threw her arms around young Lancelot. Lancelot dropped his sword as he hugged me back tightly.

"I promise I'll make a better future for everyone once I'm King," he promised.

"And I'll always be there to help you and cheer you up," little me promised back. "Because that's what best friends do!"

I smiled sadly at the scene as the children jumped up and down, playing in the garden once more. I sat down on the soft green grass, looking up at the slightly cloudy sky. I don't remember the sky in this memory well, so it was just filled with fuzzy blobs of white and blue. It still had a beauty to it though.

I let out a long sigh as I looked back at the children. I tilted my head curiously as I watched Lancelot give little me a flower. A white rose. I don't remember this bit.

I couldn't see Lancelot's face as he bowed down, a stray tree branch with lots of leaves covered it, but I could tell from that white and red makeshift uniform and the wooden sword behind his back that it was Lance.

Little me's face was overjoyed as she took the flower, tucking it into her hair. It was a single white rose.

My mind flashed back to an old fairytale that I remember my parents telling me. It was one of my favourite fairy tales.

It was about a prince who was super powerful and ruled a wealthy kingdom with kindness. But an evil sorcerer from a neighboring kingdom cursed the prince to eternal loneliness. At first, he couldn't hear others, and eventually, he couldn't speak.

One day, the prince was ready to leave this world, believing that a lonely world was a world he'd rather not live in. Thankfully, a young lady was around just in time. She tried to communicate with the prince, but he couldn't hear her. So she picked a single white rose from a nearby bush and handed it to him.

All of a sudden, the prince could hear and speak again. The curse was broken!

A single white rose, it means 'you're the only one for me'.

The prince and the lady kissed and married, living happily ever after in their kingdom.

As an adult now, I've always wondered why no one tried to write to the prince, and why the prince didn't try to write back. I'm sure he can communicate that way as well. Sure it might still be lonely, but it's better than complete isolation.

But that was probably prohibited by the spell as well.

But then again, why would you fall in love with someone you've just met, just seen. I've always thought that something was wrong with that part, but it could just be 'love at first sight'. I personally know that it's not logical for it to happen, but the childish part of me, the little part that would always believe in fairytales and magic, says that it can be possible. Anything can be possible.

I let out a sigh, a small smile on my face as I leaned back. I was falling. Falling through the ground, falling back into reality.





Here's the next update! If there are any inconsistencies, feel free to let me know in the comments! 

Word Count (not including A/N): 1111 


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