Chapter 10 ~ Home Sweet Home

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I smiled slightly when the Red Army Headquarters came into view, it was just as I remembered. I spent so many afternoons and nights playing here, the map of the place was still etched fresh in my mind.

The familiar neat cobblestone path that led up to it, the perfectly trimmed hedges and bushes, some with flowers some without. The white and red building full of sleeping quarters and all different kinds of rooms stood in the distance, red flags waving in the wind with the Red Army sigil.

The Red Army Headquarters is far bigger and neater than the Black Army Headquarters, but I have to admit, the Black Army has a more homey feel to it. This place just feels so... empty. Cold.

Welp, that's what I'm here for. I did swear I'll make the world a better place by Lancelot's side. I can start right here and add a little bit of decorations around, maybe some flowers and ribbons! The smell of lavenders always calms me down and makes me feel right at home. I wonder if the staff still have fresh flowers around the place.

I remember I loved seeing the beautiful touch of light purple around the place, so I asked Lancelot if we could keep bringing in flowers everyday. He once again had promised me to have fresh flowers everywhere to brighten everyone's day, me and the soldiers.

"We're here," Edgar said as we stopped in front of the entrance. He gently helped me down, so unlike how ruthless he was with threatening the soldier. Then again, he is a military officer. "He's waiting for you in his office."

My heart skipped a beat as I thought of Lancelot, waiting for me, before I scolded myself. He has no clue who you are, why would he call you up for that reason!? You don't even know if you really like him that way, he's changed so much. Plus, what if it's just Jonah, or maybe Zero or Kyle that's waiting for me or something.

I'd rather not get my hopes up.

Together, me and Edgar walked down a long corridor. I know this path, we are going to the King of Heart's study. Now Lancelot's study. As I walked past, I saw flowers in a few vases around the place, but they were all fake. The petals were plastic, not at all like the silky texture of real petals. It didn't even smell right, it just smelled old and manufactured. A thick layer of dust covered it, it probably hasn't been touched in so long.

"Hey," Edgar said, directing me away from the flowers. "King Lancelot doesn't like it when people touch the flowers, real or fake."

I frowned slightly as I glanced back at the fake bloom. "Why though," I asked. "Why not bring in real flowers? Why not clean those up? Make them look presentable? I find it hard that Jonah approves of this." I, of course, murmured the last part to myself.

Edgar shrugged his shoulders. "What goes on inside my king's head isn't any of my business, I can only imagine it has something to do with the late princess."

I tensed up slightly at his words before forcing myself to relax. Looking up, I prayed that he didn't notice what had happened. He just continued to look on ahead as if nothing was wrong.

"The late princess," I questioned. I was pushing my luck. He was already nice enough to tell me all about the flowers, I doubt he'll actually mention anything about me.

"We're here," Edgar said, ignoring me. He pushed open a set of heavy doors to reveal Lancelot and Jonah, Zero and Kyle were nowhere to be found.

"Took you long enough," Jonah said. His eyes flickered to me before finding something else more interesting to stare at. He didn't say a word to me. Luka's words rang in my head again.

'He was supposed to be the future Queen of Hearts, he was supposed to protect you as the Princess. But he wasn't there.' 'He didn't do anything wrong.' 'The damage's been done. It'll never be the same anyways.'

I still have hope for the three of us though. I may be naive to believe that we can go back to the good ole days, but I'm not going to give up hope until one of us is truly dead. And by dead, I mean I see them die right before my eyes. That's the only way I'll believe their death.

"Good afternoon," I smiled, nodding at everyone. I bit my lip as my eyes fell on Lancelot, and I had to quickly look away. I was still fidgeting with my bracelet, still covered by my sleeve.

"We meet again, Alice," Lancelot smiled, but there wasn't a single hint of warmth. "Do you know why I ordered for you to be brought before me?"

I shook my head slowly. I can't tell what's going on inside your head anymore, idiot.

"Because I want you under constant surveillance," he said.

"Why," I asked as Lancelot came closer and closer, until his beautiful, empty blue eyes were all that I could see. Clear, cold, like perfectly cut jewels.

"Because you're mine," he smiled, tilting my chin up with a finger.

Against my will, my heart started thudding faster.

No, he can't be meaning it like that. He doesn't know who I am. I'm just Alice the Second in his eyes, not his fiancee. He probably just means that I'm a tool for him to be used.

The sweet taste in my mouth turned sour.

"I'm not just a tool," I glared, jerking away from Lance. His hand fell to the side, the glimmer of blue on it fading away. I tugged my sleeve down even further. "I have feelings too, you know."

Lancelot just shook his head, a smile on his face. It looked so sad to me, so broken. So sorrowful. But it disappeared just as quickly as it came.

"Give her some food," he ordered. "We can't let her starve." 



I am so so sorry for forgetting to upload in saturday! My friend reminded me, yet I still forgot! Sorry!!! 

Word Count (not including A/N): 1015 


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