Chapter 7 ~ War (2)

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"The leaders of the past have put this off for too long," Zero murmured. "It's time for us to fight." But he still had that grimace on his face. He probably didn't want anyone to die or risk their lives either.

"An excellent summary of our history," Edgar smiled.

"If you're thinking of surrendering, now's the time," Jonah announced. "Did you hear that, Luka? Hand Alice over if you know what's best for her."

Luka tightened his hold around me, I rolled my eyes.

"You know that Jonah would never harm a hair on my head, right," I whispered up to him as everyone awaited the commands of the two Kings.

"Yes, but he isn't aware of your identity right now," Luka argued. "No way am I risking your life. I'll send a letter to him detailing everything once you're safe, we can meet and answer questions later."

I nodded my head with a sigh, looking at Lancelot with wide, worried eyes.

"Lance, call this off," Sirius suddenly called out.

My eyebrows raised up, I thought I was the only one who called him Lance. Was he an old friend? It must be after I disappeared, I don't remember any Oswalds in the Red Territory.

"Don't speak to me as if we're friends," Lancelot said coldly, eyes emotionless. I squeezed myself tighter, not wanting to hear that icy tone of his voice ever again. "I have a message for the Black Army," he announced, loud and clear. "From this day on, you've been absorbed into the Red Army."

"I have a message for the Red Army," Ray glared. "Quit spouting nonsense."

"Then I guess I'll have to dissolve every last one of you," Lancelot said, not a hint of emotion in his eyes, now glowing red.

"Lancelot, stop," I yelled, ignoring Luka's warning glance.

I threw my hands out in front of me, hoping to do something to stop him. I didn't want Lancelot to hurt anyone, nor do I want him to hurt himself. He's using so much magic, he's going to die so early if this keeps up!

Thankfully, somehow I repelled the magic. Even though I'm a Cradle citizen, I guess being in the Land of Reason for so long gave me their abilities.

"Alice the Second really has appeared," Lancelot said.

I felt tears prick the corners of my eyes as I looked at the boy I was once best friends with. So much must've happened to turn him into this husk, can I really bring him back? Will it even do anything?

I shook my head out of my train of thoughts, if you keep thinking like this your relationship with Lancelot could end up just like Jonah and Luka's. If I want to do something, I have to do it myself. I have to at least try. It's the least I can do for the little boy I once knew.

"Just be warned, Alice," Lancelot said, ignoring my distress. "I consider anybody who gets in my way my enemy."

Luka's hold tightened along with his lips.

I guess that'll even include your own fiancee, huh?

"Stop making stuff up," Ray growled. "Her name is Nova, not Alice."

At the familiar name, Jonah's eyes widened. Not even Lancelot's poker face could mask the surprise and hope that flared in his eyes. But one look at me sent that hope drowning in the icy depths.

It's my hair, isn't it? The dye should start washing out soon, so my identity won't be that much hidden once it's all gone.

I hope it didn't actually stain my hair though.

Suddenly, a carriage pulled up violently by us all, and Blanc hopped out, along with an unfamiliar little boy.

"That'll do, gentlemen," Blanc announced as he stepped in between us.

"I don't know what you guys are thinking," the little kid scowled. "Starting fights so early in the morning. Did you forget people live here!?"

He had brown hair, brown eyes, with a cute little silk green top hat. Even his green suit looked adorable on him, he reminds me of Luka when he was a kid.

"The Central Quarter is a neutral zone," Blanc said with a frown. "Any and all forms of combat are strictly prohibited here. The entire country will be at risk if you destroy its economical and political center."

No wonder the Civic Center was built right in the middle of the war zone, to prevent the armies from clashing and causing unnecessary bloodshed. Smart.

Everyone was silent for a moment as they thought about this.

"Let it be known, this is the only time I'll humor the requests of the record keeper," Lancelot glared. "Troops, fall back!"

I let out a sigh of relief, knowing that no one was getting harmed today.

"Alice," Lancelot said, catching my attention right before he left. "I doubt it'll be long until I see you again, but until then, enjoy what little time you have left of your life."

I stared after the blonde boy with a gaping jaw. Spinning around, I looked up at Luka.

"Did you hear that," I whisper-yelled. "Did he actually threaten me!?"

Luka nodded his head slowly, as dumbfounded as I am. "He is in so much trouble," he murmured quietly.

"Heck, yeah he is," I hissed. "I've always been skilled with sewing, I always carry needles on hand. I hope he's ready to become my own, personal, pincushion."

"What are you two whispering about," Fenrir asked as he came up beside us. "Don't tell me Luka actually got a head start to wooing your heart? I knew we shouldn't have rode so fast!"

I had to cover my smile to stop the laugh that threatened to erupt.

"I'm not trying to woo her heart," Luka glared. "Why would I!?"

Seth gasped as he rode by us as well. "You're not a blushing mess like I thought you would be," he exclaimed. "Can it be? Did our little Jack of Spades finally grow confident enough to --mph!"

Luka slapped a hand over Seth's mouth with a growl. "All of you, I'm not trying to woo Nova's heart, and you all better not try anything either!"

"Why not," Ray asked as he led us back to Black Territory. "Don't tell me that little Luka's jealous!~"

I couldn't stop the giggles that wracked my body as Luka held me protectively.

"What!? No," he shouted. "It's because she's engage-"

Now it was my turn to slap a hand over Luka's mouth.

"Don't listen to him, he's not thinking properly," I smiled sheepishly. Maybe it was the adrenaline and the sleepiness that allowed me to actually lie decently. "The lack of sleep is getting to him."

Luka glared at me as he took my hand away. But he didn't argue.

"Now then, I'm tired. Are we heading back or what?" 



I am so sorry for forgetting an upload! Without any extra cirricular or any classes, my days all blend together since it's summer vacation. I legit half thought it was Monday or something. 

Word Count (not including A/N): 1145 


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