Short 2: Surviving Dinner from 7th.

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''It's been 2 weeks since i found and meet these ghosts when i came back inside the brat, i was very confused why they're here at first, until the white haired man, the one i told you about from the first short, is actually the leader of the group or to make it short he is the first user of OFA, Shigaraki Yoichi, he explains that their souls has been transfered to OFA after the events of this villain called 'AFO' killed them, in other words they're living inside the brat too, and called this place the 'Vestiges', not to mention that OFA is growing stronger as well, i was surprised because i thought when the old users of OFA dies they go to heaven or hell, but instead I never imagined they would stick in a Quirk, anyway after the talk i decided to make rooms for those guys to live in, even though i want to be alone and back being bored again, but once in a while i need some god damn neighbourhood in the brat's mind it feels empty in here, and btw i'm not doing this because of i'm lonely, i'm doing this because i want to, after i done and the other spirits agree that since we're living together we decided that each day, one of us has to do chores each turns like cleaning each rooms, mopping the god damn floor, not to mention cleaning the god damn toilet, and to be perfectly honest the 5th user Banjo Daigoro, whenever he goes to the bathroom...'' Negataros narrated as he showed a scene of Banjo getting out of the Bathroom closing the door carrying a newspaper seeing Negataros who is standing in front of him holding a bucket and a scrubber.

''Yeah I wouldn't go in there if i were you, but goodluck cleaning the crap hahaha.'' Banjo informed Negataros as he then leave, Negataros then sighed as he went to the bathroom however...

''OH HELL NO, I'M NOT CLEANING THIS SHIG!!!'' Negataros yelled as he went out covering his mouth coughing because of the stink.


''That idiot, always makes a stink in the bathroom every God damn day, not to mention the old lady has enough cleaning it as well, so Yoichi decided that he has to clean the bathroom chores forever...'' Negataros narrated showing Banjo holding the bucket and a scrubber.

''Dang it...'' Banjo said in dissapointment.

''Ah, speaking of the old lady, have i ever mention how terrible her cooking was, man it was horrible to survive it, you see every each day one of us also take turns of making lunch and dinner, and whenever is her turn to cook, sigh*, it was a dinner of hell...,i remembered it like it was yesterday...'' Negataros narrated as the scene then changed to everyone is sitting in a dining table as Nana is cooking dinner.

''Here you go guys, dinner is serve!'' Nana said with a proud smile as she puts the food on the table, everyone then becomes shock because the food Nana made is well...

''Here you go guys, dinner is serve!'' Nana said with a proud smile as she puts the food on the table, everyone then becomes shock because the food Nana made is well

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'You call this dinner, it looks like poop rather than real food....' Banjo thought.

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