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In the living room

All of the predecessors of OFA and Negataros gathered in the living room together to have nice conversation about themselves and their lives, before their souls transferred to the vestige world.

''And then... this idiot friend of mine burst into my bathroom wearing a freaky clown costume to scare the crap out of me and I jumped out the bathroom window in panic!" En explained pointing at the fifth user in irritated.

"Heh, that I did alright!" Banjo grinned and gives his successor a thumbsup to make him even more irritated.

''... Then what happened?'' Hikage asked out of curiosity

"And then I said to him out the window he jumped out of..." He stood up from his chair to lean forward then let out a hearty laugh to the group, making them flinch in surprised.

"HAHAHAHAHA, HAPPY HALLOWEEN KOUHAI, YA NAKED IN A ROSE BUSH! And that's the whole story." He finished explaining his story with his arms crossed and sat back down as some were disbelief, shocked, and laughing while En scoffed, pinching the bridge of his nose, then felt Hikage pat his back in pity.

''Heh, love it!" Negataros said in amusement "Alright... who's next?" He glanced over to the predecessor left and right asking who wants to share next, before noticed third user sitting beside Kudou.

''Bruce!" The dark imagin called and caught his attention to look at him.


''You got any story you like to share about yourself?'" Negataros asked, before tilting his head.

''Like what?''

"Tell them about those new reruits that I once assign to you to train for the war." Kudou suggested while playing with his wrist gun.

"New recuits?" En asked in interest.

"During the dark era before we start invading AFO's territory, we've been gathering a lot of armies of rebels who has the same desire as us to kill the Demon Lord himself." Kudou explained with his hand placed to his chest "We divided into two groups to train, I took the strongest one with me in my camp, while Bruce take the weakest one in his camp." He finished explaining before gesturing over to his subordinate.

"You don't say, and did he manage to train to befome a strong martial artist like himself?" Negataros asked in interest with his arms crossed.

"Hehehe, well I wouldn't say that... but yeah I trained those maggots bodies and minds to become strong as a brick till their bones crack. But despite that they have become strong due to my training and possesed a unique type of meta abilities, they... How do I put this... Are completely stupid yet weird at the same time.'' Bruce rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment, as Negataros tilted his head in confused.

"Mind elaborating us, why?'' Negataros questioned.

"It all started right after Kudou sent them to my training area." Bruce gazed up at the sky and continue, "I remember like it was yesterday. The day where I made my appearance before them to introduce myself... To those three morons of an idiot that I am assign to train till they drop death."

Many many years ago during the dark era...

It was raining outside as they were three men lined up front face, as Bruce entered their dorm marched straight towards then faced himself before them.

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