SHORT 15: Eyebrow shaved...

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In the living room...

We see Banjo and En are having a chat together, while the second user is playing his saxophone. Just then Negataros burst through the door then slammed the door shut causing the three users to look at him in confusion.

"Pant*,Ok, Pant*, it's looks like I lost the old lady...for now." Negataros said in relief while panting before turning to Banjo and En.

"Hey, you guys mind if I chill and hide here for a while?" Negataros asked.

"Um sure?" En replied confusingly.

"But why?" Banjo asked.

"Because the crazy old lady is trying to kill me." Negataros answered as the second user continue playing his saxophone, Banjo and En looked at each other in confusion then look back at Negataros.

"Any reason why my successor wants to kill you?" En questioned.

"Well, you guys know that today is 'April 1st' or 'April fools day' right, you know the day when everyone likes to prank each other?" Negataros asked.

"Yea, of course everyone knows it and it's the best holiday of all as well." Banjo replied.

''Not me, I hate that day." En argued.

"Aw what, why not?" Banjo asked in confusion.

"Gee, I don't know... why not I ask the guy who dyed my hair dark blue, electrocuted my butt 10 times, put three damn wax strips on my private parts, and the most important part of all is the fact that somebody superglued two girly fake eyelashes on my damn eyelids with makeup on my face while I was asleep!" En explained before he shot a glare at Banjo with dark blue aura surrounding him.

"Really, hmm... wonder who that could be?" Banjo dumbly wondered putting one of his finger below his chin.

"IT'S YOU, YOU BALD HEADED FOOL!" En reminded him angrilly with a vein on his head.

"Wow, you really superglued two eyelashes and put a makeup on his face while he was asleep, impressive." Negataros praised.

"No it's not impressive, it's a damn nightmare and I couldn't go out of my house looking like a lady for a day, and whenever people comes to visit my home all the time they said 'Oh hello ma'am is your husband at home', I mean it was so humiliating, plus painful at the same time removing those eyelashes from eyelids and it's all because of that damn bald headed user!" En explained then points at Banjo angrilly as Negataros and Banjo tries to contain their laughters.

"Pfft, my god they seriously asked you that?" Negataros asked while holding his laughter.

"It's not funny, so shut up alrready!" En demanded.

"Anyway, hehe... what kind of prank did you did that cause the 7th to try to kill ya, I bet it was so hillarious?" Banjo assumed before wiping a tear from his eye.

"Well..." Negataros was about to explain his prank to the two until...


Someone kicked down rhe door causing everyone to look to the entrance and saw Nana who has a pissed looking look on her face.

"WHERE IS HE!?!?!?" Nana yelled angrilly.

"Oh shi-" Negataros got cutoff as he starts running from her and the second user starts playing a chase song.

"STOP HIM!" Nana yelled while chasing after him.

"Hey I said, I was sorry on the note right!?" Negataros reminded while running away from her.

"NO, COME HERE!" Nana demanded angrilly while chasing him as the two runs around like cat and dog and circled around the second user. Just then the third user and Yoichi heard the commotion as they take a look inside the living room as they saw Nana is chasing down Negataros.

"Third?" Yoichi called.

"I know the drill." The third user said as he stepped in and stop Nana from killing Negataros.

"Alright enough!" The third user demanded while holding her by the arms as Negataros went back to Banjo and En and the second user stop playing his sax.

"Was that necessary, playing a chase song?" En asked with a sweatdrop.

"Hey practice makes perfect." The second user argued.

"GRR, LET GO, I HAVE A DEMON TO EXORCIST!" Nana demanded while trying to break free from his grasp.

"Not until you relax and explain why you're so mad!" The third user refused.

"Yeah, what was that about?" Banjo asked

"What did he do that made you so pissed off?" En added as Nana finally calms down for a sec, she then raised her head at the three user and Negataros, showing them on what he did to her.

"What did he do that made you so pissed off?" En added as Nana finally calms down for a sec, she then raised her head at the three user and Negataros, showing them on what he did to her

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"Pfft, BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" The second user starts laughing while holding his stomach when he sees Nana's eyebrows got shaved.

"Wow you shaved her brows, nice job." Banjo praised before turning his head at Negataros.

"Thank you." Negataros said in gratitude.

"Um-" En was about to say something, but got cutoff.

"Don't. Say. A word, if you do i'll kill everyone in this living room." Nana warned pointing at them.

"Ok then, well if you need me i'm going to the bathroom." En informed as he goes to the toilet to take a dump.

"Wait En, I don't think you should-" Banjo got cutoff as when opened the door a bucket of chocolate syrup suddenly dropped on En giving him a chocolate syrup shower on top of head.

"Am man, that prank was for the damn second user!'' Banjo whined.

"Hm, thanks for saving my hair blue M&M." The second user said in gratitude with a smirk as En turned around slowly glaring at him.

"Huh, a chocolate syrup dump very creative." Negataros said in impressed.

"I know right?" Banjo said with a smirk.

"And I think we should run." Negataros suggested.

"Why?" Banjo asked confusingly as when Negataros points at En glaring at him then points at an angry Nana, as Banjo gets the situation.

"So, want to watch a movie while eating chicken in my room?" Negataros offered.

"Very well." Banjo agreed.

"Great, then let's bail together like, NOW!" Negataros shouted as he and Banjo ran out the living room together.




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