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Hey everyone sorry I haven't been on for some time now just over a year I'm guessing anyways moving on from that I won't be able to continue any of my stories as much as everyone would love me to, school and personal matters have kicked in to full effect and I haven't found time in this past year and a bit to write or update any of the books, for anyone who wants to adopt one of the three books here message me and we can talk about it, but for now the books will be discontinued for the future and they can go however you want them to thankyou for the support and maybe just maybe I might write another book whether it be anime, movie, book, film or a show series I'll leave that up to you comment on what you think I'm going to write about and maybe just maybe I might write about it... Thank you all for the amazing support you have given me throughout the years and I look forward to your comments

This is rwbycosplay and I will see you when I get the chance.

How The Poison Thorned Rose and Death Fell in Love  {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now