The First Encounter

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When Izuku woke up that morning, it was to the sound of birds chirping and a light breeze blowing through the trees. The young male groaned and flopped over onto his stomach in an attempt to avoid the sun shining through his open window. He was not ready to get up and deal with everything quite yet. He prayed silently for at least a few more minutes of sleep. He was denied.

A light knock was heard on his door.

“Izuku? It’s time to get up! Breakfast is about to be served!”

The youth groaned, “I don’t want to go mother! Please let me sleep a little more!”

“Please Izuku! You know today is a big day and Zeus wants everyone to be there.”

Izuku groaned again but got up, closing the window to his room as he walked to the bathroom to cleaned up and ready. He splashed cold water on his face in an attempt to make him more awake and alert. It helped but not by much. God he so did not want to deal with what was happening today. He knew what day it was. He absolutely hated it. It didn’t help that he was the only child of the goddess Demeter, aka, Inko. Because of that, lots of other kids of other gods wanted to be with him, as in full-blown marriage be with him. He had no desire for that since none of the others truly loved him. Which leads to what today is. Today is one of the times of the year where all the gods and their children get together and have a big banquet. During this time, many of the children of the gods will be looking for potential wives or husbands. A time of courting if you will. Zeus made it mandatory that everyone has to be there. So unless you were the god of the underworld Hades, there was no getting out of this.

Izuku sighed as he looked at his reflection in the mirror. He still had his baby fat, making his cheeks and overall face round and plump. He had freckles dotting his cheeks and had dimples when he smiled. His eyes were big, round, and expressive. They were a beautiful shade of green. He had full lips that were a lovely shade of pink and formed the most adorable smile. His skin was a soft tan from always being in the sun because he was working on his gardens or going to travel among the mortals. His hair was curly and green like his eyes but took on a light black tint under certain lighting. He had a slender body with slim muscles that belied the strength he possessed. Overall, he looked like he belonged among the wood nymphs than the son of a goddess. All these traits made him very desirable among the other godlings, but he had no interest in them because they only liked him for his body but not for who he was.

Once he cleaned up, he got dressed and headed out. His mother was waiting for him, her long green hair pulled up into a ponytail with a few braids tucked in there. She smiled when she saw him and slipped a flower clip into his hair to keep his bangs back.

“There you go, dear. Now you look perfect. Perhaps today will be your lucky day and you find someone you will want to marry.”

Izuku internally groaned. He had no desire to marry any of the godlings. Most of them were pathetic, always crying to their parent when things didn’t go their way. Izuku preferred to fight his own battles and often won them. The godlings he could stand would be no more than good friends to him.

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