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(I'm switching to more modern language since I can't keep up with Greek talk)

Aizawa and Izuku had an unsuspecting visit from Apollo and Aphrodite 3 months after their baby girl was born, aizawa looks up at them and says "Apollo and Aphrodite I welcome you to my kingdom once again what can I do for you this time my friends" "let's talk somewhere private king Hades along with your wife and child this involves them as well" nodding his head Hades, Persephone, Apollo and Aphrodite walk to the Meeting room, when the door shuts aizawa drops his role as king and asks "zashi nem what's this about" both gods look at their friends before hizashi says "this morning the gods were called for a meeting about a letter they received" both gods look at their friends really stressed nemuri speaks this time saying "the gods apparently have an inside source that works inside the palace, the letter told them that izu has birthed a child, the letter didn't say a name or gender but the gods are now gathering up their troops to attack the underground in the mortal realm anyone and everyone will die if they get in the way of destroying the child and their mother" aizawa looks towards his wife and baby girl before turning back to his friends and asks "did they say when they were going to attack" both gods shake their heads, aizawa thanks them before standing and walking over to his wife and child holding both of them in his arms izuku looks over his husband shoulder and asks "do you want to meet her" both hizashi and nemuris eyes light up before nodding izuku walks over to them and says "meet Makaria Lynx Asahi Aizawa (as promised shout out to BillDip_yaoi_fan for the name lynx, to MasquedExpediteur for the name Makaria Hades and Persephones actual child and lilNipNip for the name Asahi) god of bringing death and of nature" (picture above)

Hizashi and nemuri play with little Makaria or ria for short before leaving to try and stop the war that the angry god plan on releasing onto the mortal realm, aizawa and Izuku sat back in the throne room and called upon the guards and servants to find the leak in the palace.

3 hours later

After 3 hours majority of the palace was cleared to go back to work both royals only had 5 more people to work through.

5 minutes later

When they finished confronting the last 5 they found out that 3 out of the 5 were trading information for freedom from working in the underworld, both izuku and shouta were beyond pissed off izuku called upon mother Gaia and took the life energy from them in front of everyone storing them in containers for later use both looked out at everyone and said "this will be a warning to everyone who defies us again next time we won't be so lenient towards you if this happens again" both royal walk back inside and sit at their throne waiting for izukus mother, Aries and his son, Zeus and Poseidon to show again for the war, first came in izukus mother, Aries and katsuki then Zeus and Poseidon all 5 standing in front of the young god, his king and their child. Izuku stood up with his child in his arms and spoke "Zeus god of thunder and lightning, Poseidon god of water,Aries god of war,katsuki bakugo son of Aries and Demeter goddess of harvest welcome back to our home it's sad you missed the fun earlier but oh well what do we owe the pleasure of this visit" izuku looked at his mother and Zeus inko stepped forward and spoke "izuku please don't make this harder than it already is just give us the child and nothing will happen" aizawa stood up going to say something when he was handed his little girl, he looked at his wife and queen as she released mother Gaia onto them " you come into my home, send spies that have no right to be here and threaten me with a war just to kill my little girl you should be ashamed of your self, in this world we are allowed to marry whoever we want and you mother decided to sell me off to my childhood bully who burned my garden to a crisp each and every time it looked beautiful and you kept me in a cage a cage that let me have no freedom, but when I finally have a family that I made myself you come with a war just to tear us apart so no mother you can get the hell out of my kingdom and get rid of this petty war because you will not be taking my child and husband from me" at this point izuku was crying mother Gaia getting out of control.

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