Fifth Encounter Pt2

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Izuku by now was on the ground, screaming and crying in fear and hurt and rage and sadness. He sobs were loud, wracking his body with each one. His magic curled and whipped around him, lashing out at Hades the moment he entered. The Lord of the Underworld was not intimidated though and unleashed his own magic, curling it around Izuku’s, forcing it down, forcing it to submit. Soon he was containing Izuku’s magic back where it belonged, inside the godling.

Now that the magic was out of the way, he walked towards the godling and bent down. He then brought Izuku into his arms.

That is how they remained, the elder god holding the younger one, letting him cry, scream, and do everything he should have always been able to do when upset instead of locking it all away inside him.

Izuku couldn’t stop crying. He was just so tired of it all! Tired of the injustice, the lack of respect, everyone treating him like his was made of glass or not even a living being. Why was he like this! Why did he have to be born the way he is! WHY!

Hades just kneeled there with him, holding him, stroking his hair and rubbing his back, letting the younger god cry until his heart was content. Thankfully it wasn’t long before Izuku’s sobs lessened and grew quieter. Soon all he was doing was sniffling and coughing. Hades held him through it all, letting him know that he was safe, that he was not alone. When Izuku had finally calmed down, Mother Gaia calmed as well, the roots and the vines all vanishing as if they were never there. Katsuki was dropped a short distance, groaning in pain as he was due to his broken bones.

Izuku clung to the Lord of Death, “Please! Don’t let them take me! I can’t take it any more! Please Hades don’t let them lock me up again!”

The older god smiled, “I won’t Izuku. I promise. I even have a way to make sure they can never lock you up again.”

Izuku sniffled and looked up at the older god, “W-w-w-what? How? M-m-my mother is extremely protective of me! If something happens to me, no doubt the mortals will suffer because of it!”

Hades gave the young god another smile, “I hope you believe me when I say this. Izuku. Ever since the first day I met you, I found myself enchanted by you. By your beauty, your grace, your strength, your power, your desire to protect everyone regardless of whether they are gods, demi-gods, or mortals. I have been enchanted and fallen for most of all, your love for everything. You are a kind and loving spirit, offering your hand out to everyone, even to those who don’t want it. You strike down those who are corrupt without mercy, protecting those who are innocent. So many of the souls that have come to me lately were mortals you struck down with your blades. Everyone around you sees you as an innocent godling, someone who needs to be protected and never left alone. You are seen as someone who is only good for looking pretty on another’s arm and warming their bed. I don’t though. I see and have seen what you are capable of. You are a rose my dear. You are a rose whose thorns are coated in deadly poison. Those who try to pluck and trim you die. You are everything I have wanted in a lover, a spouse, a Queen. You are the one I wish to rule the Underworld beside. Please my dear. Please I ask you to give me a chance. One chance to court you, to show you just how much you mean to me, how much I desire you for all that you are, not just for your beauty. Honor me with the chance to perhaps one day take you as my queen. Please Izuku. Will you let me court you, let me show you just how much you are truly worth and how much of a fool everyone else is?”

Izuku was shocked into silence. What? What was going on? What was Hades saying to him? He wanted to court him? Him, a minor godling? Surely he was joking? There was nothing special about him.

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