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The loud upbeat music that made her heart and body thump along with every beat of the song had welcomed her as soon as she opened the door of the certain room of the resort that Nayeon had rented for her birthday.

Drinks were everywhere. Bodies colliding with bodies. Screams of joy and wildness. No one was seated and everyone was enjoying even at the early hour of the night.

The people mostly inside were their employees, some were from Nayeon's team that she didn't know the names of, and some were her friends from outside. Nonetheless, both were enjoying the wild party.

She squinted her eyes, the dim light, and party dancing light were making her dizzy. She tried looking for Nayeon from the door but she couldn't spot the certain girl.

"President!" A woman, part of Nayeon's team, Gowon, greeted and waved her hand, the other had a drink in it, "Nayeon is in the kitchen. She's been waiting for you."

She smiled, "Thank you."

Clutching the paper bag on her chest, her gift for her though she insisted not to bother and instead requested for a certain high profile person, she still brought one. Nayeon was her best friend since they were teens, they both knew each other fairly well, she never missed on giving her gifts for her birthday, and that tradition would not be broken.

With her chin high, she moved through the crowd. The people instantly splitting in half and voluntarily gave her way, too scared to bump even the finger of the President of the company they work in. When she reached the kitchen, there they saw the people who were closest to her, gathering in a circle and having fun.

Nayeon's eyes widened in delight upon seeing her, "Park Jihyo!"

Nayeon jumped for a hug, giggling, and already smelled like alcohol. She patted her back, "Happy birthday, unnie."

"Why did you come just now? The party had started an hour ago." Nayeon sulked, detaching herself from her, and looked at her back, looking for a certain someone, "Where's your girl?"

"Where's who? Girl?"

Jihyo's eyes widened when Jeongyeon came beside them, draping her arm on her shoulder with a smug smirk. The other also heard it—Sana and Momo were curiously looking at her, Mina was with a teasing smile, Tzuyu was just looking.

"So our little President here has been seeing someone already behind our backs? The betrayal." Momo remarked, resting her back on the backrest of the stool.

"And a girl, huh," Mina added with interest, "As far as I could remember she's never been into that."

Nayeon scoffed loudly, "If you just witnessed what I-"

"Shush!" Jihyo shushed her, glaring at Nayeon before she even spilled the fact that she was caught with not just anyone but someone with high status, "I don't know if she's coming."

"So there's really someone," Jeongyeon inferred, "Who is it? Do we know her?"

"Oh, there's no way you wouldn't-"

"Nayeon!" The woman acted to be zipping her mouth, "It's not my someone, okay? She's everyone's someone."

"What?" Sana asked in confusion, "Is she like me? I'm everyone's someone too."

"No," She replied dryly, "I mean it in something else. But anyway, she was busy, we kind of not talking lately."

"You know how she is," Nayeon said, tapping her shoulder and led her on the seat next to her, "But can't you call her? I really want to receive a greeting from her."

"Why is Nayeon fawning over your girl this much? Is she some kind of a celebrity?"

Jihyo scrunched her nose at Jeongyeon's question, but she shrugged, taking out her phone, "Let me try text her, maybe she won't answer."

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