VI (M)

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The loud cheers of people had welcomed them once they arrived at the auditorium of the race Dahyun took them—the Race Park—it was an auditorium-like place with everyone could be seated on the nearest seats with only firm railings separating them from the main course.

There were already a lot of people with food in their hands, cheers filling the place, and bets starting to round up higher, the horses and their racers were also starting to get ready and only the signal was just what they were waiting for.

"We're just in time," Jihyo said as they went inside the private room with a good view of the whole field from above the place with a full window.

Two huge boxes of popcorn were in Dahyun's hands, while Jihyo had their cold unsweetened tea in hers. It was Jihyo who bought it since Dahyun was a little recognizable now since her fake stubble was gone and her flawless skin was really admirable. Dahyun just waits for her at the side while covering her face with the bucket hat that almost half of her face was hidden.

"Are you sure this is just your first time here?" Dahyun asked as they walked inside the empty place, it was just their solo area, and knowing that they were high profiles, it was perfect.

"Yes, this kind of stuff isn't my thing," she replied, putting the drinks on the small, white circular table on the side and sat on the couch next to it where they could clearly see the whole field from there.

"Your thing is to stay in your office the whole day in front of your papers," Dahyun answered with her eyes rolling, she sat beside Jihyo and stuffed her mouth with cheese popcorn.

"Do you have a problem with that?" Jihyo asked with her brows raised, reaching to the other box of popcorn and did the same.

"None, of course. You might seem tired with all of those, but I know you love your job. But you should take a rest like this once in a while for your own health," Dahyun replied, offering her with her cheese popcorn which Jihyo gladly opened her mouth.

"Isn't this just your way of asking me out with you?" the older kid, looking at her suspiciously to which she received a smirk in return.

"I am your rest, Miss Park," Dahyun cockily replied, crushing the popcorn on the side of her mouth that formed into a quirky smile.

That made Jihyo smile slightly. She didn't know if Dahyun was observing her or she was just too full of herself, but nonetheless, she was right. She was indeed Jihyo's rest, she was the reason why she was feeling light lately since she met her instead of her uptight self like before.

"Yes." She looked away from her and sat properly, facing the field now, slightly blushing as her heart beat faster, "Yes, you are."

The loud bang of the gun that signaled the start of the game echoed in the whole place. But even with the most interesting bet they had built, Dahyun looked at Jihyo like she was the main focus of everything.

Well, she really was.

"Black is leading!" Jihyo exclaimed as her face brightening upon seeing how the game was starting with her aiming horse on the lead. It was the only time that Dahyun got her sense back from admiring Jihyo's features in her head, "Get your money ready, Kim! My horse would crash yours!"

Dahyun looked at her with amusement then back to the game. She was right, the black horse was indeed leading, but that didn't mean she would just give up.

"The game hasn't reached the half yet, babe. Look at my brown horse, it's coming for you!"

The game was interesting, it brought the two with excitement and thrill as the game was so hard to surmise who would win because of its close match. But for some reason, Jihyo and Dahyun's bets on horses were neck and neck, the black horse was still leading, but the brown horse was just not too far away from the other.

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