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Future CEO in line of Park Co. Park Jihyo is allegedly dating Kang Daniel of Kang Companies.

Click the link for more information.

A series of her phone beeping from the flooding of messages coming from her friends and family filled the four walls of her office. Jihyo's whole body trembled as she stared at her phone, her lips dry and slightly opened. With a trembling thumb, she clicked the link, and the pictures were just infuriating.

It was the two of them outside the restaurant, Daniel holding her hand to help her get off of the car while they were both smiling. There was also a picture of both of them smiling and laughing inside the restaurant.

This was the day last week where she went on a forced date again with Daniel because of her Dad's order. Sheb knew she was laughing because of a joke that the man told. What's wrong with that was she didn't tell Dahyun about it, which she knew for sure, she would be hurt.

She felt misled, as far as she could remember, she agreed on that dinner because of the assurance that they would be safe from the media, and this, this particular thing wouldn't happen. She shouldn't have agreed in the first place. She's utterly annoyed.

Her phone rang, showing Nayeon's name on it. She was sure this woman had read the news as well, and she's worried because she should have. It's Jihyo. The girl didn't like rumors.

"Jihyo, are you really?"

Jihyo clenched her jaw, "What do you think?"

"Okay, chill, Hyo." Nayeon alertly said, knowing that her friend was now pissed, "I know he's not your type. You like a higher woman, this one actress in particular, rather than him. Anyway, I called because it seems like you wouldn't be able to be out of the company because of how many anchorpeople waiting for you outside."

"Wow," She breathed in disappointment, "Why can't they just bother Daniel instead of me? And that man... I would never go out with him again."

"You are higher than Daniel, you are the next CEO of this company, one of the richest in the country, of course, they would be more interested in you. And I know you wouldn't because you already have Dahyun. How did she react by the way?"

Jihyo sighed, "She hasn't called yet, perhaps busy with her schedule and hasn't seen the news, but I know she would be green-eyed."

"Of course, she would. Anyway, maybe there are also people in your house so perhaps not go home yet. Have to go, bye."

"W-wait, can I-" Jihyo huffed and groaned upon hearing the beeping line, indicating that she had already ended the call.

She received messages coming from her sister informing her about the media outside their house, she also received another message from Daniel apologizing from the news but was still not taking actions about it, and flood messages from her friends especially Sana who sounded so angry in thoughts that she was two-timing her 'baby' Dahyun.

She was now all over the news, trending worldwide, and even had her face on the TV news along with Daniel. It was just making her annoyed, having her life broadcasted was not really making her uncomfortable too much, but having rumors that were not true was just off-putting, especially now that she had someone to get concerned over with.

She glanced at her phone when it beeped, showing Dahyun's name. She opened her message and felt her heart squeezed upon reading it.

From: Baby

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