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The sound of Jihyo's cellphone ringing had buzzed her off from sleep. She groaned and rolled on her stomach, face buried on the pillow as she reached over her phone on the bedside table. She answered it without looking at the caller, still with eyes closed.

"What do you need?"

No hi nor hello, whoever the caller was just broken off her deep slumber, and she knew this kind of way of waking her up would piss her off the whole day.

"Hello?" she finally asked again, making her forcefully opening her eyes because it had been a minute but no one was speaking on the other line.

She looked at the caller ID, seeing it as unregistered, and still in call. Her brows furrowed, placing back the phone on her ear, "Who is this? Can't you see the time? It's still early-"

Her mouth went agape when the sound of the line ended reached her ears. She squinted her eyes in confusion, seeing the time which showed quarter to ten. She looked up at the ceiling, staring at it and processing what had just happened.

Though a little still sleepy, she stood up, not bothering to wash her face as she walked toward her parents' room, knocking on the door. If she was right, this was one thing that she and her dad talked about.


She heard a ruffling sound behind the door, she moved back when she heard steps. Sooner, the door opened, revealing her father who had his glasses on, his pajama slightly crumpled, and obviously had just woken up now. She felt a little sorry that he looked worried now already in this very early morning

"What happened? Is everything okay?"

"Someone called me," she started, showing her phone and the unregistered number, "The person didn't say anything. Does this have something about the threats we're receiving?"

As soon as she had the chance to talk with her father before about the bodyguards that kept on following her. She asked him if she could get rid of them because she could handle herself, but her father insisted and explained to her the reason why.

Apparently, since the day that she got her bodyguards, the morning prior, her father received death threats, death notes, and other unpleasant gifts that involved blood and chilling notes. It involved her, telling them that their main target was her, the next CEO in line, and so putting her father into fretting.

It kept on coming every day until they hired people to investigate that thing was only the time it slowed down and became only occasionally. The person behind it was smart enough to not be seen whenever the threats were delivered, and so it was really hard to have any suspects. But they were thinking it's either part of the company or their close family business friends.

"So you received it too," her father uttered, walking back inside their room and took his phone, 'I'll handle it from here. Send me the number, I'll have our investigator examine this."

"So this is this serious, dad?" she asked with her forehead creased, "Who would do this to us? Have you fought anyone before?"

"No, not a single argument. Don't worry, I'll handle this," he just said then went out of his room to go to his study room where he discussed business things if he needed to bring work in the house.

She decided to come to her room again, slumping on her bed as it was too early but they were now already given a headache because of whoever was threatening them. There had no certain things they wanted them to do for them to stop, but if it's about business, then her father would have to do anything to find out who the person was and bring them down.

She received a message from Dahyun, greeting her good morning, she just read it and didn't reply, only staring at her ceiling. But her phone rang, she knew this woman was persistent at her best.

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