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Dahyun casually went past the people she came across— bowing, greeting, smiling through nervous eyes. If she would prefer, she wanted to be in her just poker face and ignore these people, especially in her situation right now. But these people were higher than her, ruling the whole country, and practically the hands holding her achievements. She couldn't just appear like a brat, snob actress to them.

She would give them genuine smile if it was another time, but unfortunately, it wasn't. She was currently about to be whacked, fortunately not by anyone, but unfortunately by Jihyo.

The party hadn't even officially started yet, but here they were, already starting the heated explanation and session of Dahyun's often mistaken friendly mien to a flirtatious manner. All she had to do was laugh, and she was being dragged like a doomed kid by her strict mother. The difference was Jihyo wasn't holding her, she was voluntarily following her, and Jihyo wasn't her mother.

They reached the kitchen, where there was staff mostly busy taking the food to deliver to the visitors, but they didn't stop there. Dahyun presumed Jihyo had been here many times now as she seemed aware of every nook and corner of this place.

They kept walking until Jihyo opened a white door, at the very end of the kitchen, almost hidden from everyone's eyes. She opened the door and waited until Dahyun walked past her and fully get inside. She closed the door and locked it immediately, facing Dahyun with her business, serious, intimidating gaze as she crossed her arms.

It was a bathroom, a small one with only two stalls available, it was also clean, seemed to be not used frequently. The mirror was just above the sink.

"I'm not flirting," she started right off the bat, "Jieun unnie is just whispering about the old men staring at us and we are making fun of them that's why I'm laughing. Don't be jealous, I love you so much, I wouldn't trade you for her nor any old men out there."

Jihyo rolled her eyes, she walked toward Dahyun with predator eyes which caused the latter to walk backward. She only stopped when she felt the sink hit her lower back. She didn't know why she felt so nervous right now when it was just Jihyo in front of her.

The girl leaned forward, her lips grazing her ear, she then whispered, "Why does she have to lean this close when that's all that?"

Dahyun placed her hands on her shoulders, gripping them as she felt her knee in between her thigh, she let out a shallow breath, "I-It's because the music is loud?"

A whimper came out of her as Jihyo licked her earlobe, snaking her arms on the small of her back, "I don't think that's it, my love."

"I swear-ah sht- I...we- Jihyo stop..."

Jihyo crawled her hand up to her milky thigh, her floral dress coming up as she got a hold of her cycling shorts. Her mouth traveling to her jaw and neck, leaving trails of kisses there. "Are you sure you want me to stop?"

"Y-yes, I mean, no. There, baby."

Jihyo loved how she was practically losing her mind right now, she used both of her hands to pull down her cycling shorts as she brushed her fingers on her core.

"We barely do anything, babe. Why are you..." She curled her finger, tracing her slit, scooping wet fluids as she smirked, "...dripping already?"

"I love it when you're jealous," Dahyun whispered, kissing her lips momentarily, "But I would never do that intentionally."

*I bet," Jihyo whispered, slipping her finger onto her core which pushed Dahyun forward as a silent moan ripped from her mouth, "But the girl seemed to be doing otherwise."

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