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"I have to review the proposal again and tell you my verdict. We are not rushing this, are we?"

Jihyo looked up at the man who had reported the thing in front of her. She tapped the pen on the paper on the table. The other board members were also serious and listening carefully. They just couldn't slack off when Jihyo was present in meetings like this. They had to be upright, no excuse, even her father.

"Yes, ma'am. It's up to you." He answered, voice a little wavering because of her intimidating gaze.

"Alright." Jihyo looked at her father, "I think that's all?" Her father nodded and smiled, "Meeting adjourned, then."

Everyone stood up and bid their goodbyes to the two higher in position, bowing as they exited the room. Jihyo and her father with his secretary remained seated.

"I knew you'll be a good CEO, Jihyo." Her dad said with a huge smile, "You've been doing great even when you're still yet to be in my position."

Jihyo shook her head and waved her hand, "Don't credit me too much, Dad. I still have to learn a lot of things."

She looked at her phone when it lit up, showing Dahyun's name. Her face instantly brightening up as Dahyun's face in a very close selfie with only her one eye shown and finger heart, flashed on her screen.

"I know. Don't stop learning." He said, then his eyes lingered on his daughter, "You look in a good mood lately, anything been happening in your life?"

Jihyo halted her reply to Dahyun and realized the huge smile on her face. She slowly turned her face into blank, previously crooked lips turned into a straight line. She put down her phone, "None, dad. Just... my friends."

"I see," His voice didn't sound like he believed it but there's nothing else he could do so he just let it go, "Do you have errands to do today?"

"Yes, I'll attend one meeting in Busan for our partnership with the Jeon." She answered pressing the send as she finished her reply. "It's at one o'clock, so I think I have to go."

They both stood up, Jihyo hugging her father and bid him goodbye as she walked out of the meeting room. When she reached her office, her eyes squinted as she saw a staff standing in front of her with a bouquet in her hand.

"What is it?"

The staff raised the flowers, "Miss, you have received a delivery."

Her brow raised, "From who?"

"The card says KD, Ma'am." The staff said with the small card in her hand.

A smile crept on Jihyo's face. She took the flowers to herself and went inside her office, thanking the staff. She messaged Dahyun, thanking her for the flowers. It was her favorite, she didn't say anything to her about it but here she was, already choosing her favorite flower. She might give a plus to her effort for this.

She looked at the letter, it was asking her for dinner again. She took her phone when it lit up, earning a reply from Dahyun but it only made her hang her mouth open and huff instead.

From: Flirty Dahyun
That's sweet, baby, but throw it. My initial is KDH. See you.

And that was when she realized that KD was Kang Daniel.


She came to the hotel where the meeting will be held at around eleven o'clock. She was with two bodyguards, she didn't know why her dad suddenly sent her two men but it was still good because of the media who were trying to pry in her life.

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