X (M)

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Jihyo was already fine after a few days, though she kept working, with the medicine that she regularly took, she felt well. Though she mentally hoped it would be prolonged since all those times that she was sick, Dahyun often checked on her.

But now that she was good and her strength was back, she was back to her usual routine of ignoring her. She was sad, of course, maybe it was really a pity she was feeling toward her that was why she was doing it, and she was already moving on from their relationship that she happened to ruin.

She didn't know she had let out a sigh while looking at the papers she was working on. She glanced at the time and found it already three in the afternoon. She decided to stretch her back and nape, massaging and punching it as it hurt.

She stood up and looked over the sunny, breezy Friday afternoon, as much as she wanted to enjoy this day, Daniel would be here anytime soon for their dinner that was once again set up by her father.

Dahyun was just a few floors away from her, but she felt like they were now embodying the line too near yet so far. She didn't know until when they would stay like this. If she would ever know if Dahyun wanted to fix things with her and fight this battle with her.

But with their situation right now, it seemed like it was impossible. She could feel how she was guarded. Whenever she would come by to check up on her, she would keep her distance and avert her gaze often, she wouldn't also hold her unless necessary like checking her temperature, and the heaven knows how much she wanted to hold her, to feel her skin on her again, to hug her, and most of all, to kiss her.

She wanted to do everything like before. But yes, she messed up. It's not like she wanted it, but it was also her fault. She had her own mind, own decision, own life, and she chose to follow the life her father wanted her to have.

It seemed like Dahyun had finally realized that she wouldn't get anything from her but pain. After all, she was the superstar Kim Dahyun, the most desired by almost all of the people around the world. And here she was, stuck with the person who only did nothing but hurt her.

She deserved better than her. She deserved the best. And sadly, it's not her.

She went back to work after a while, and at around five in the afternoon, Daniel came to fetch her. She took her bag and fixed her things lazily, checking her office once more before closing it and walked ahead of Daniel.

His arm instantly wrapped around her waist, but she just let him, after all, no matter how much she wanted to take that off of her, it would always come back like an annoying leech. She was just spending her strength arguing with him.

The elevator stopped on the fourth floor and opened, the sight of a man with a very much familiar woman with their hands tangled and the man's face almost attached to the woman, giggling at each other like high school teenage lovers who only had beautiful faces but failing grades. That's kind of an unfair judgment, but who cares?

It was the sight that welcomed her, and she felt like she wanted to close the door again and punch the ground floor, or if possible, the man's face as well.

But well, she was always calm, so she just did that in her mind.

Her eyes met Dahyun's, and her eyes widened as she froze, but then, again, she was an actress and so she just shrugged and walked inside with the smiling man.

"Kim Hanbin, am I right?" Daniel asked with a boyish smile, nodding at the man who was like a literal leech to Dahyun. Well, leech and leech interacting, what a good sight to see.

"Yes, Kang Daniel?" He asked, then looked at Jihyo. "Miss Park Jihyo? My baby's boss?"

A small piece of her torn heart fell upon hearing the endearment. Her hold on her shoulder bag tightened as she glanced at Dahyun's indifferent face and Hanbin's friendly mien.

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