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From: Baby

Are you going to fetch me, babe?

Are you even going?

I'm sorry, I can't. I'll just meet you there. Kinda busy so will be late

What are you busy at? You don't have a schedule today. Nor for the whole week. You can't even message me unless I message you first.

Something rlly important.

Are you cheating on me?

Would never, Babe. I'll just see you there. Please.

I don't even know if you're going to talk to me there. You don't even call me. What's wrong with you?


Let's just meet there.Take care.

I can't understand you anymore.

A knock on her room startled Dahyun when she was just looking at her mirror and checking herself if she was already hidden enough with her outfit. She walked to her door and opened it, seeing Hanbin standing there with a wide grin. "Why are you here?"

"Ouch!" Hanbin held her chest dramatically. "You are so cold! Don't you miss me? You're not even going to let me in? Why are you dressed like that? Where are you going?"

Dahyun frowned and rubbed her ear. She let her stand there and walked back in front of her mirror. "Why do you have a lot of questions? Tell me what you need. I'm going out in ten minutes."

"You're so moody. I didn't even do anything," Her cousin replied with a huge frown as he sat on the edge of her bed. "I am sent by Namjoon."

With the mention of her other cousin's name, she looked at him with interest which caused the latter's lips to purse because she looked interested now. Dahyun crossed her arms and nodded at him to continue. 

"He has already talked to him, and he's now scrutinizing the situation. He didn't really believe him and the accusations, but our smart cousin provoked him using Jihyo. Now that I think of it, that girl seems to be everyone's weakness, including yours."

Dahyun rolled her eyes and picked up her phone when she received a message from the woman herself. Do we have a problem? I miss you. Dahyun, let's talk.

"Well, if your brain could think more, then the denominator of these people is they all love her. We all love her. But her heart could only accommodate the first and second." She just read the message and turned her phone off. Like what she had been doing for the past days.

"Did you even get into the cut?" He teased, but Dahyun just grinned. 

"I am even the first."

Hanging faked retching and stood up. "But she's merging with somebody. What's the point if you can't be with her?" Low blow. "Anyway, that's all that Namjoon wants me to relay to you. Take care wherever you're going."

"Thanks, Hanbin," she muttered silently and watched him go out. She opened her phone again to see if Jihyo messaged her again but it was just the group chat informing that they were all on their way. Even Jihyo. 

She had been slightly avoiding her, she admitted that to herself. She couldn't pretend like she wasn't hurting upon the spread of the  news that whenever she would open her social media, their names and the news were what she could see. They would instantly put her into a bad mood, and it was reflected in how she messaged Jihyo. She knew the girl was hurt by how she was messaging, they were even always fighting and Jihyo would try to call for the effort of knowing what was wrong, but she wouldn't answer, excusing like she was doing something. She was just masking everything through being busy despite not doing anything at all.

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