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It wasn't until after the holidays were over that Alex found out about Snape's unbreakable vow. Harry had overheard Snape and Draco's conversation the night of Slughorn's party, about Draco's mission and Snape's vow.

She wasn't an idiot. Draco wasn't as insistent as he could've been with her, so she knew she wasn't his mission. And she knew that he was up to something. He'd stayed over during the break, even when Pansy had invited him over to hers. He'd been missing quidditch matches, and even Blaise had started missing his presence around everyone. Something was up, that wasn't new.

But the unbreakable vow was. What could he have possibly promised- and to who- and why would he not have told her? He could die if anything went wrong.

She resolved to go talk to Dumbledore.
"Alex, it's a pleasure to see you. How is your... training going?"

"It's okay. I'm learning, I guess, but it's slow." She said. "I just, I wanted to ask, is it true that-"

"Harry spoke to you?"

"More like he spoke to Hermione who spoke to me." She shrugged. "We're not really on good terms. Is it true, though? Did Snape really make an unbreakable vow?"


"Why would he do that? I mean isn't it bad enough he endangers his life every day? And for what? What could possibly be so important it merits risking his life again? Did you ask him to?"

"Of sorts." Dumbledore sighed. "Severus made the vow to protect Draco. I'm sure you're aware he cares much for the young boy, and would look out for him regardless, and the other part of the vow was to fulfill a task I had already set him."

"What task?" Alex crossed. Dumbledore smiled pleasantly as though they weren't casually speaking of her uncle's fate. "It's not like I'm going to blab to anyone."

"Perhaps. But despite your life experiences, there are still some things you cannot be privy to." Alex's eyes watered slightly but she attempted to mask it. "You're angry."

"Why did you have to ask him to become a spy? Just because he'll do anything you ask, doesn't mean you should ask everything of him."

"He's not doing this because I'm asking." Dumbledore corrected. "He's doing it to protect you."

"I don't want to be protected like this. I don't feel protected!" She yelled. "And you've got some sort of dark curse on your hand. I've been around enough black magic to know that's a bad one. And it's been like that since the summer, and you haven't reversed it yet. So you can't."


"Are you dying?" The dark thought occurred to her. It was almost ludicrous and she expected him to laugh but he didn't. Her jaw dropped. "You're dying? You are dying? You can't be."

"Alas, death comes for us all."

"Oh my god." Alex backed away.

"You mustn't say a word."

"You're the official unofficial leader of the light. And if you die, then-" Alex started breathing heavily. "He's going to come for us all. Snape can't pretend you're stopping him from getting me if you're dead."

"Which is why it would be easier-"

"And we've seen what happens to Hogwarts without you. It'll either become ministry ground or death eater ground, and I'm not sure which is worse. And who's going to reassure everyone that Snape is on our side, because there is no way Potter's ever going to trust him. He's thought Snape was evil since first year! And, oh my god- we're doomed. There's no way Harry's going to survive a day if you're dead which means my brother and my friend and my entire family will die with him or for him or whatever and then we'll all-"

"You put a lot on my survival." He remarked.

"I just- maybe I can reverse it? With Doomie? Maybe I can suck out all the dark magic-"

"And transfer it where? Dark magic doesn't disappear. It needs a vessel."

"Then we'll make something." She said, and rummaged in her back. She slammed the circlet on her head and stepped towards Dumbledore. "You can't just... die."

"Everyone dies."

"Not you. Not now. Voldemort is actually back. He is flesh and bone and alive. And if you die, then we'll be divided. Our side will be chaotic. Who will be our leader, because I'm not following Potter."

"Are you having second thoughts? About joining the order?"

"Harry Potter will never trust me. And especially when you're gone, there will be nothing keeping him from saying anything."

"Which is why, with your permission, I'd like to show him some of your memories."

"No." She crossed her arms. "He doesn't trust me. And I don't trust him. Not as a friend. I trust that he is a good person, most of the time, but I will not ever trust him as my friend, Professor. He can't know. I don't want him to know, of all people."


"I can't join the order. Not without bringing baggage and drama that they don't need. I still don't know what I'm going to do. But I can't join the order. And I can't be a spy if I don't have anyone to report to. And now you're going to be dead." She turned and tried to leave but the gargoyle lift wouldn't let her through. "Is there a reason I can't leave?"

"You cannot tell anyone." Dumbledore said.

"Except Hermione."

"Not even Hermione."

"I have to tell Hermione. I need her to know."

"Not even Miss Granger."

"My therapist?" Alex asked and he shook his head. "Snape?"

"No one, Miss Weasley." He said, looking at her in pity.

A/N- 😭😭 Favourite line is "Just because he'll do anything you ask, doesn't mean you should ask everything of him."

Alexandra Weasley: Book 6Where stories live. Discover now