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Megan found Hermione after their last classes of the day, telling the Gryffindor she needed to talk to her urgently.

Hermione and Megan headed out to sit by the black lake for some privacy.

"Alex said she told you." Hermione started off.


"She also said you know about what she's planning."

"She can't do this." Megan said. "You know that, right? She was a wreck after Cedric. She's not going to be able to pretend she agrees with Voldemort for very long."

"I've tried everything, but she won't give it up. She thinks it's the only way to protect us. Dumbledore got in her head, and she won't stop thinking about it."

"Who's going to protect her?" Hermione shrugged. "You expect me to believe you're not doing anything?"

"She'll be okay." Hermione said. "She can protect herself."

"No, she can't. She can defend herself, but she can't protect herself. Hermione, it'll destroy her from the inside."

"I've tried everything to stop her. We can't. Not for as long as there is something she can do to make sure what happened to Cedric never happens to anyone she cares about again."

"So we do nothing?"

"We support her. Make sure she knows whatever happens, we won't hate her or judge her and that we'll always care about her."

"She's sending Charlie away because she's muggleborn. She says being purebloods makes it easier to keep the rest of us safe."


"You're a muggleborn."

"Unlike Charlie I don't have a sister she can guilt me with." Hermione said. "And I told her I'm not leaving unless she leaves too, so we're at a stalemate."

"I'm a pureblood. I can make sure she's not alone." Megan offered.

"Not you too."

"Think about it. Hufflepuff is full of wizards and witches loyal to each other. Loyal to Alex. If she's not going to give up, then we'll help her get out of this unscathed."

"You can't tell anyone else. Alex told you four because she knows she can trust you. As much as she might like people, stuff like this is top secret. Dumbledore would have a fit if he knew you knew what you know. When he finds out Alex told all four of you, he'll be upset. We can't tell anyone else."

"I'm not saying we tell anyone else. Honestly, Hermione. I'm saying Alex has connections she could use. Or pretend to use. I can stay with her, to start. Officially, she'll be recruiting me."

"That could work, but are you sure? Megan, it's a big commitment."

"I know. But she's our friend."

"You'll have to talk to Dumbledore. And then Alex."


"Huh, you and Alex are too alike for your own good."

"I'm nothing like her. I don't save baby unicorns and speak to mistreated dragons." Hermione laughed. "I guess I should go see Dumbledore as soon as possible."

"Yeah. Good luck."


Megan made her way to the office and stood outside. She didn't know how Alex always knew the password, or where to get it from. She stood outside hoping the gargoyle would move aside to let her in but it didn't.
"Miss Jones." She turned and saw Dumbledore approaching.

"Professor, I need to talk to you."

"Right this way." The gargoyle moved aside the moment Dumbledore was in its immediate vicinity. She stood on the step and let the stairs carry them up.

She waited until he took a seat in his chair to speak. "It's about Alex."

"You're worried about her?" He asked.

"Every day since first year." She said dryly. "But more so now. I know about her."

"What, precisely, do you know?" He asked.

"I know Voldemort is her grandfather. I know she's planning on going to him, sometime soon. And I know she definitely doesn't believe in him or his ideals so it'll all be pretend."

"And what do you plan to do with this information?"

"Alex is my friend. And I care about her. So I'm not letting her do it alone. I'm going to be helping her and being with her throughout it all."

"Miss Weasley has experience dealing with Voldemort. She has proven to be able to defend herself. What can you do?"

"Whatever it takes. Professor, I'm not asking for permission. I'm going to do this. I suppose, I think a little courtesy in coming to you first is warranted."

"And what does Miss Weasley think?"

"That's my problem, isn't it?"

"Take a seat, please, Miss Jones." She sat down. "I don't think you understand just what you're walking into."

"I understand perfectly fine."

"You think you can protect her?" He asked. "What's to say Voldemort won't strike you down?"

"I'm a pureblood, and there aren't too many of us as it is. Besides, if I'm by Alex's side, then by default I'll be on his. It's pretty stupid to kill your followers."

"He has ways of getting the truth out of people. One look into your mind and he'll learn everything. He'll learn your plans and Alex's."

"I'll figure something out."

"And if you can't? Not only will you fail at protecting your friend, as you intend, but you will be putting her in more danger."

"I'm not letting her go in alone. I understand you have to protect an entire school of students, especially Harry Potter. I know Alex isn't your priority. But she is ours, Professor. We have to look out for each other. So I am going to help Alex to the very best of my ability. I'm going to go with her." She said, firmly.

"You wish to become an auror, correct?"

"Maybe one day." She shrugged.

"You understand this might hinder your chances."

"It might. But my friend's life means more than my future potential career."

"I see. And nothing I can say will dissuade you?" Megan shook her head. "Very well."

A/N- Megan is like Alex without the trauma. That's literally it 😂

Favourite line is "I know Alex isn't your priority. But she is ours, Professor."

Alexandra Weasley: Book 6Where stories live. Discover now